
Friday 31 May 2024

I Am Cold

Bear has decided that he can't live without the windows open and I am frozen. It's so desperate that I'm about to start ironing in self defence. At least the scent of Deirdre is coming in.

My hip is doing a lot better. I've no idea why it went bad and why it's got better, but there you are. My knee and back are still creaky, but at least I'm moving. 

The garden is so overgrown that there could be a lost tribe hidden in there.

I should try and get better pics. The clematis and white rose are glorious and in need of tying up. But it needs to be sorted out before any lost civilisation decides to expand and take over the local hairdresser. And I don't want to draw attention to any potential camomile dealers. I'm pretty sure that this is camomile.

But it planted itself without an input from me and I don't want to risk making a tea from it.

I've got so much I ought to be doing. Bear's new bed is getting delivered tomorrow and I'm confident that his room isn't ready to put an IKEA bed together. I'm not completely sure, though, as I haven't been in there for at least four years. Bear likes his privacy and I'm letting him. The bed could arrive at any time from 7am onwards, so I'll need an early night to get ready for the extremely early morning. 

I also need to sort out a corner in the kitchen as the boiler is getting serviced and I like to look as if there's at least some semblance of order. 

I also need to have a rummage through the cupboards and freezer. There are too many packets and tins that could do with either using up or donating, and I can barely shut the freezer door. 

And I keep thinking that it's Tuesday. I have no idea as it's Friday at time of typing. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. I agree, it looks like chamomile to me too, such a pretty flower and a distinctive leaf, it isn't the variety that you make a lawn from, and the smell of the leaves should really tell you what it is. I didn't feel thrilled by sewing bee either - too many things not finished this time, I'm not always keen on the designs they make and I've always thought the makoever part is a complete waste of time - I don't thing anyone would ever go out in what they make - better to have left things as they were. To my mind they take wearable stuff and turn it into something that really is only fit for landfill. Just saying......thanks for blogging, I enjoy reading how things are with you, glad you're coping - that garden is a joy of nature really, I bet lots of creatures absolutely love it. love from Elaine

    1. Yes - the makeover once was how to be clever in a pinch but now is so complicated and I'd never allow that stuff house room! It's lovely to see you. And yes, I take a lot of comfort in the garden being a resource. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. Just had a better look at that chamomile - I think it's more likely to be feverfew..........go smell the leaves. Feverfew is good for headaches I believe you can make a sandwich with it I've read somewhere. Elaine again

    1. Feverfew did more to help my late mother's arthritis than anything! It's good stuff. I shall have a careful sniff

  3. I'm sorry that you are feeling cold, while bear needs to have the windows open! Your garden is so lush and all your plants look so happy, growing in it! I hope the bed can be assembled without any problem. :)

    1. Thank you - the garden does seem to be happy!
