
Sunday, 23 October 2016

So Much For Sunday

I'm frantically trying to get the lower floor fit to be seen as bear's awesome maths tutor comes to teach him tomorrow at 4:30.  It's a big deal.  Now she has a car she is likely to be coming to us instead of us going to her which will be an excellent reason to keep things sparkling.  Obviously I have to get things sparkling first, but I can aim high.

I forgot to mention that bear had a parent's evening last week.  I took away two things.  The first thing was that bear's teacher is scared of me (and I've actually been very moderate with the school).  I suspect that part of the issue is that I use reasoned arguments and put things in writing.  The second is that bear is not really trying.  I've asked the teacher nicely to push bear.  The teacher seems to think that bear is engaging just fine and he is top of maths.  Unfortunately I suspect that bear could do a lot better but is happily coasting.  I would say that the evening was a moderately to limp awesome.  Bear is doing well but he is not putting in the effort that he should.  To be honest, I don't really blame a teacher that has to look after thirty pupils of varying abilities including at least two pupils that have serious issues.   I'm just trying to keep bear up to the mark.

I also want to say that the teacher is very awesome in general and gives up a massive amount of their free time for the school, and bear will be benefiting from the football club he will be running.  I suspect, however, that bear is getting away with, well, if he isn't getting away with murder he's at least getting away with loitering with intent.

By the way, bear is not just advanced in maths.  This afternoon when I suggested that he put his clothes away I got an eye roll that was up to teenager standards.  I'm not looking forward to the full show!

I found this on Facebook.  Unfortunately it was on the page that I do for father's church so I couldn't really share it on there and I haven't been on either of mine, so I thought I'd share it here.

I want one.


  1. Get used to those eye rolls! They seem to be a staple of teenage life (once it hits). Sometimes you have to really keep on top of things at school. I think most schools, although do a good job, they have a lot of students not just at different levels in a class, but also who have different ways of learning things.

  2. Well done young Bear, even if he isn't really trying.

    Didn't you have the idea of rewarding him for effort rather than ability? I thought that was a great idea, and I'm sure it was you that had it.

  3. Bear is coasting because he can. He is probably what is called "academically highly gifted" over here. There are schools with special academic programs here, for kids who are identified as highly gifted, where all classes are taught at 2 grade levels above grade to keep the kids challenged. Maybe there are similar programs there, too?
