
Thursday 14 September 2017


I forgot to take a picture.  It wasn't worth it.  Bear solemnly cut the rocket mini greens with a pair of scissors and we ended up with around a skinny tablespoon of green stuff.  Next time we are going to scatter the seeds a lot more thickly on the paper towels. 

However the greens went down well, so that's something.  As far as I can tell we should be able to keep a few bits of microgreens ticking over during winter.  

I got some compost dug into the beds today and I'll start getting the winter pansies planted soon.  I can only manage about fifteen minutes before my back goes, but I can do it in short bursts.  Our garden is tiny.  I also have the organic, pet friendly slug pellets as recommended by People Who Know (my brother).  I need to get those down before it gets to cold for the slugs to be around for them.  

Next year I'm determined we're going to get something edible out of that garden.  Bear is unconvinced.  So far we've managed to kill cress and failed to sprout basil with only a small sprinkling of rocket microgreens to barely show for our effort, but I have faith.  


  1. Nothing to do with your post, but this came up in my facebook feed. I joined, and I though it might interest you (its about repurposing tea towels). Hazel

  2. You sound like me. Next summer we are having a garden. I've said that every year for the last 18-years we've lived in this house. We will see. But better luck next year...right? ;)

  3. I grew a Courgette this year in a large pot in the garden. They are so decorative and the yellow flowers continue through the summer. I will definitely be growing one next year. The peas failed really - needed more water and then I missed picking them at the right time - they looked decorative though but Sweet-peas would have done the same job apart from being inedible!

  4. Your harvest sounds a lot like my harvest, this year! 0 green beans, okra, and pattypan squash; 2 zucchinis; 7 or 8 tiny tomatoes. But I am already planning a winter garden! :)
