
Saturday 21 September 2019

More Movement Needed

Today was very quiet. I did a little ironing and some writing, and that was about it. It was wonderfully calm. The weather is likely to get stormy next week, but today was lovely and sunny.

One reason that I got so little done was because bear's pal wasn't around for very long so bear, DH and I watched the end of Winter Soldier and then Avengers Civil War while having a picnic dinner. It was great, hanging out. We've gone through so many of the Marvel films recently, we will soon have run out!

Then I watched Strictly, which I loved. It looks like there will be a lot of fun in it. I have a sneaky weakness for David James, as I remember how awesome he was as England goalkeeper (and a few hiccups), and anyone who played for Liverpool can't be all bad. Having watched the show, I think that there will be a lot of wonderful performances from everyone.

Bless - back in the old days, police cars in my area were also black and white and known as panda cars, but now they look like this...

File:Police Car, UK.jpg

That one is from Cheshire, where I was born. Not so elegant, but very visible. You can tell when a police car is near because of all the other traffic suddenly slowing down, indicating and following lane discipline.

Sharon - because I learned to drive so late, my instructor suggested I drive every day so that I don't forget stuff. I probably won't drive this weekend, but I drive five days a week in term time, and then I get out at least every other day in the holidays. I'm also aiming to drive somewhere new every week, so I don't get scared if I have to go to an unfamiliar place. Sometimes I worry that I make myself nervous because I think I ought to be nervous. Yesterday I went over an iron bridge that was strictly one car's width with very little margin for error. I felt I ought to be worried, but there may have been a 'woohoo!!!' as I got off the bridge. Then there are the times when I am genuinely terrified. There are a lot of blind corners and tight bends in my neck of the woods and there are times when I just want to pull over and have a moment. I'll get there, and I really appreciate the support, as it is still so new to me, even after these months.

Writing Stuff - there is likely to be links to stuff every day throughout October, as I've signed up for at least one slot on Timothy Bateson's 31 days of October, as well as October Fright Nights, so be braced. It should calm down afterwards. 

Hugs to all. 

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