
Friday 31 August 2018

Still moving almost forward

I have found today difficult.  I don't believe that there is much wrong with the mole that a little steroid cream won't sort out.  However I am also getting checked out for breast cancer.  I don't think I have that either, but I got an appointment for next week.  I am getting close to breaking with the appointments.

I am okay if you don't believe that I am getting two things checked out.  I am not sure I would believe it if I read it on a blog.  However I put whatever's on my mind in this blog - a sort of 'I see it so I say it' type thing, so I will be talking about any appointments.  I hope you can still visit even if you don't believe it. 

Bear went to the dentist today and needed a filling.  Bear was awesome and so was the dentist.  The hardest part was bear got soooooo hungry and stressed afterwards and decided he only wanted to eat stuff that I didn't have in the house.  I could have cried.  Bear went to the shop and got what he needed, which included a pre-made sandwich and a pepperami but no sweets, and afterwards apologised for being grumpy.  He is such a darling.  I think he is also going to be more aware about tooth care now.

DH came home from work still tense from driving and still very sore.  Poor lad is going through it and the painkillers are wrecking his stomach.  I'm trying to make a fuss of him.  However tonight I had to belt out for another driving lesson.

My driving instructor is awesome.  I mean, truly, truly, amazingly awesome.  I had just about reached the end of my rope by the time I got into the car and said I couldn't cope with much.  He took me on the hardest route around Heckmondwike and I loved it.  It was a really odd driving lesson.  There always seemed to be something.  There were the cyclists who reached the busy roundabout at the same time as me.  There were a great number than usual of cars pulling out in front of me from side streets without checking.  My driving instructor took me around all the worst junctions in the area, all the awkward bends, nasty crossroads and evil access points. I spent a large part of the lesson edging out of roads to try and get a view, only to have speeding cars go walloping past way over the speed limit.  The worst wasn't when a motorcyclist ran a red light and cut across me.  I had that under control.  The worst was when a completely different motorcyclist tried to overtake me on the left as I was moving left after a junction and whizzed past at speed.  There was literally only an inch or two in it, and I felt a little unnerved after that.  My instructor, who was giving me a challenging lesson to try and take my mind off things, said it was the craziest lesson he had had in years.  He said that we had seen a lot of seriously bad driving, there had been some desperately scary stuff and none of it had been my fault.  I know it was an insane evening of driving and I think any experienced driver would have blinked at everything happening tonight, but I loved it.  I loved the challenge of the awkward junctions, I loved working on the difficult bends and I think I was born to drive.  My instructor (did I mention he was awesome) kept me safe and told me what to do, and I had a blast.  I can't wait to have another go.

I felt really positive and as if I had recovered when I walked into the house - when I walked into bear having a meltdown about the book he has to read before school starts. 

Something else of interest.  Bear loved the scrubby I had knitted.  I forgot to take a picture of the one he used, but it looked something like this before I sewed in the ends and sent it up with bear for a long bath...

but afterwards it looked more like this...

Bear approved, regardless, and as it's the 100% cotton stuff I can wash and wash and wash it.  However I will stick to squares in future. 


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