
Tuesday, 12 February 2019

So Tomorrow Will be Easier

I felt really proud of myself.  I had done quite a lot of stuff before my driving lesson that was first thing this morning.  I had done a wash, caught up with a few different bits and made a few necessary calls.  The driving lesson went okay, though I had a complete fail at a roundabout when I forgot where I was going, but I was glad when I got to the end.  My awesome instructor dropped me off in the city centre as I needed to pick up a few bits on the market and sort out bear's bus pass at the bus station. 

Unfortunately, the buses that I use pretty much ground to a halt.  There was an attempted suicide where someone jumped off one of the main bridges in town (to be honest, I'm sounding flippant but I'm still worrying about them, they must have been so desperate), an accident and a stabbing that meant some of the roads were cordoned off.  Also, my buses route had part of the road closed due to roadworks.  It took longer than expected to get home. 

That said, I was still home in time to get a panicked call from bear saying he was on the bus home, he was feeling sick and he was getting off at the next stop which was a bus station.  I had to go and rescue him.  Now I am trying to catch up and confident that tomorrow will be a lot easier. 

Writing stuff - I reviewed 'Patrick's Chocolate Cake for Dinner Diet' here which always gives me a blast of positive energy, and I plan to dip into it later to cheer myself up.  Seriously recommend the book or looking him up on Facebook where he shares a lot of his stuff.


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