
Friday, 24 January 2025

A Bit Draughty

I'm sorry I didn't get anything posted yesterday. My new phone and its case arrived and I've been armpit deep setting it up. I still can't seem to log in to all my emails, but it's not a big deal at the moment. 

I kind of like the new case. The old one had definitely had some wear.

We've had some weather. We're just outside the amber warning zone, and our fence has blown down.

DH and bear have inspected the damage and say that it looks like the wood split, leaving the bolts still embedded in the concrete. I'm confident that they'll find a way to fix it. By the way, please ignore the yellow bin. It was sort of abandoned on us and I'm not sure what to do with the dratted thing, apart from encouraging our neighbours to make use of the salt and grit in there.

I had to go out today as I had an appointment with a physio to try and do something about my hip and back, and while it was only a ten minute drive, I was quite unnerved as I saw pieces of paper being blown over the top of a double decker bus. 

My keyboard is slightly better after the sticky stuff and the air cannister thingy, but while the 'n' key is slightly better behaved, the rest of the keys are now a little clunky. I'm unimpressed. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. That must have been some storm to blow the whole fence over. Hope Gladys fared well.

    1. I'll have to take a pic of Gladys, but she was fine as her branches are completely bare. The honeysuckle on the trellis fence was quite green and could catch the wind. We got off lightly.

  2. Oh no! Poor fence. It sounds like the kind of day better spent inside! I'm glad you were (mainly) able to get the new phone sorted.

    1. I was very glad to spend the day inside as well!
