
Thursday, 30 January 2025

Has Anyone Seen my Willpower?

I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was meaning to post, and I had stuff planned for the day that I could post about and take pictures of, but then... Further details in writing stuff.

The Temu order with the extra plant pots arrived and with it came some yarn that I failed to resist.

It just called to me. I'm now looking at the blanket that I am so near to finishing, and the fancy stitch scarf that I've started and is so calming, and I must not start something new with this yarn. I am also considering taking bets on how long I can hold out.

With all the writing stuff, plus meeting a friend for conversation when I'm not used to talking, I feel like I've been thrown into a cement mixer and it doesn't help me keep my resolve. 

I now plan to sit down and watch High Potential on Disney Channel because I've been looking forward to it all day and while I'm watching I'm going to knit the damned blanket!

Writing stuff - I subscribe to Duotrope which is a site that has listings of publishers, agents and calls for submissions from places like magazines and anthologies. I'm trying to get more purposeful with writing, so I'm hoping to manage something small as a submission once every couple of weeks. Normally I ignore any listings that are near closing date, and I'm usually looking for clear guidelines or themes so I can write a small piece to order. I sort of ambushed myself Tuesday night and I found myself reading the submissions guide and something called to me. It wasn't for anything particularly defined, but the description of preferences was just so much fun. The closing deadline was today. Earlier this evening, I emailed in 3900 words of fantasy writing which I am hoping will be acceptable. Between spotting the listing and emailing it in, there was a lot of writing, thinking, rewriting, research (can't help it), more writing, not much sleep, and the dreaded formatting. 

A lot of places like Shunn Formatting, which is considered the industry standard. I fail at it. There are templates, but I can never get the first paragraph indent to behave. And if I can get paragraph indent to behave then I inevitably lose a slash somewhere on the header. I hope my effort will be acceptable.

If it doesn't get it, I'm confident that I'll be able to use it elsewhere, so I'm not going to stress about it too much. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. The new yarn is beautiful! Working on several projects at the same time keeps one from getting bored! :D

  2. Good luck with your submissions. I really should try . . .

    1. If it brings you joy, go for it with gusto! I think there's a site called Submissions Grinder that's free and there's Authors Publish which is also free. If it doesn't bring you joy, don't do it - but you should always write if you find it fun! (at least, that's my view).

  3. Have you succumbed to the new yarn. I'm banning myself from buying anymore until I use up at least some of my stash

    1. I succumbed, my willpower melted like candyfloss in the rain.

  4. Maybe your willpower is hanging out with mine? Perhaps they've both taken a holiday?
    Good luck with the writing.

    1. If they've taken a holiday, I wish they'd taken me with them!

      Thank you!
