
Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Potato Soup

I chopped and fried some bacon, added some chopped onion, celery and carrot from the freezer,

Then I added a load of potatoes and water with a couple of stock cubes. I seasoned with garlic powder and a bouquet garni teabag. 

It tasted bloody awful. It tasted fatty, even though I'd trimmed the bacon ruthlessly and it was back bacon that was supposed to be lean to start with. It was also desperately underseasoned. I threw out the rest. I used four rashers from a ten rasher pack that had cost £2.29 for ten rashers, a stick of celery, a carrot, two onions and plenty of potato. I should have added more veg or less water/stock. I'd made enough for tomorrow, but I couldn't face it again. I'll have another go tomorrow. 

I ended up dashing out in the middle of the afternoon as my check tyre light had come on again. The garage were lovely to me as usual and just topped up the pressure. It's more likely to be the recent changes in temperature than a slow leak, but I'll keep an eye out. They are lovely to me, very tolerant and I got some knitting done while I waited.

I also got one of those gel cleaners that are supposed to be great for laptop keyboards. The 'n' is slightly better but I still find myself hammering the 'n' key dozens of times and then in the next sentence getting 'nnnnnnnnnnn'. I've ordered the can of air that was recommended here, so wish me luck!

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Oh, no! I'm sorry your potato soup didn't turn out well. Better luck next time. Did you add any milk or cream to it? I think most potato soup recipes call for cream, but milk would do. I would have pureed or blended some of the soup and added it to the rest to thicken the soup.
    Glad you had the tires checked. :)

    1. I wonder if I had mashed up some of the potato or grated it to thicken the soup it may have been better. As you say, better luck next time.

  2. I've never found anything that cleans a keyboard once it starts sticking (apart from turning it upside down and bashing it!) so I'll be interested to know if your new cleaner works.

    On the soup front, I have an army of additives to try if soup comes out bland - no way am I going to waste all that chopping time. I like a tablespoon of nooch in mine anyway, very savoury and lots of B vitamins. I also like powdered stock so you can add an extra spoon or two to pump up the flavour. I like a dessert spoon of pesto in mild veg soup and a tiny sprinkle of chilli flakes, a squeeze of lemon (esp if it tastes fatty), or a glug of Henderson's Relish (Lea and Perins for the meat eaters). You may not be able to have some of these but having a couple to hand is something to consider if you're finding recipes don't get your taste-buds tingling. Hope it goes better tomorrow. Having written all that, probably the easiest thing is to put more veg and less potato and water!

    1. I can't think why I didn't try some of these. I have an open jar of pesto in the fridge, tomato puree, curry powder, chilli flakes/powder, instant potato, all sorts of relishes and seasonings, and I'm so annoyed with myself. But it did taste dreadful so I think I just recoiled. Next time I may add lentils or perhaps chickpeas or butterbeans as I've got a tin of those in.

      As for the keyboard - I think that you're right. It's better but not brilliant.

  3. The tyre thing happens a lot to us in winter. It's the change in temperature. Drives me crazy!
    Sorry about the soup. I haven't made potato soup for ages, but I think mine had a creamier base - maybe like a roux? I can't remember offhand. It's great on a cold winter day though!

    1. A roux would have worked well. I've made thickened soup where you soften the finely chopped veggies in fat, then add flour and cook it out before adding liquid gradually and it's worked very well. Hmm. Next time...

  4. I roared with laughter at 'It tasted bloody awful.' So often, the recipe is followed by how wonderful the end result was and how everyone loved it and how it's now a keeper. Wonderful and thank you!

    1. I would fail soooo badly as an influencer. I can't even manage a trout pout. I'm glad it made you laugh. I had to laugh as well.
