
Friday, 17 January 2025

Odds and Ends

According to Tesco, I saved a bundle last year by using their clubcard - £2221 in savings! Mind you, according to them, £534.91 was the Delivery Saver or the savings of paying up front for one yearly fee and getting deliveries up to once per day. I sometimes worry that I abuse that - I have had loads over the year! £142.25 was on coupons, and sometimes I'm less than sure that I'm getting the best deal. I try and stay strong and only use coupons on stuff that I actually need but impulse sometimes sneaks in as well. I also got a boatload of points which turned into £134 of vouchers which covered some all the Christmas groceries and some presents.

Speaking of impulse, yesterday I bought a small bottle of perfume from eBay. I like my fragrance, and there was a joke going on with DH and I. However, as I finished paying, the ads next to the 'you have paid' bit were for bullet proof vests. Ads are supposed to reflect your browsing history. I'm fairly confident that I haven't been researching bullet proof vests, though with my random brain, who knows? But I have concerns about the perfume now. 

And my phone isn't getting texts, so I have to look at getting a new one. The phone is well used - I use it for my kindle and I'm always dipping into books as I have to sit between and during tasks a lot. I checked by searching on this blog and I think it's about three and a half years old and I bought it where it was coming to the end of being sold new as there were two newer models of the brand out. Thinking about it, I use it for taking pictures, reading and texting DH when dinner is ready. I can see another cheap android phone in my future. 

Just realised that I didn't press 'post' yesterday, so here is yesterday's instalment and I'll catch up again tonight.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Try take the sim out of your phone and gently cleaning it, it worked when I had the same problem

  2. Well done on the grocery savings!

  3. The ads that appear are quite strange. It does make me wonder WHO is watching!

    1. I think it was a glitch, but it's a funny one!
