
Thursday 7 September 2023

It Was All Fine

Bear's friend came round and they were lovely (if you're seeing this - you are awesome and always welcome!)

The house is still a disaster zone but it's less of a disaster zone, and the garden continues wild.

Bear had an induction day today and found it stressful as he was only twenty minutes early. It seems to have gone well, though, and he's happy enough. He'll be starting every Monday with Further Maths which he sees as a bonus. 

I'm still not sure about the dratted scarf. So far it looks like this.

I don't like the way that it's curling at the edges and as it's completely acrylic I'm not sure how blocking and pressing would work. I can see me starting again.

Writing stuff - if you are interested in writing this article on Hazardous to Your Sanity may be useful. I found it encouraging. I also had a post on my writing blog here that's about characters who do their own thing - my characters never listen to me at all. 

I'll be linking to loads of posts on Hazardous to Your Sanity, most of which won't be mine, but it may be fun to dip in. I'm also making plans for October which means that there's likely to be loads of posts on my blog then, but I'll keep you posted. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Glad that the visit from bear's friend went well. :)
    I'm sorry the scarf edges are curling. Sometimes, doing a slip stitch along the two edges will help keep them from curling. But, you'd have to restart the scarf if you want to do that. If not, you might be able to pick up stitches along the two sides and knit two or three rows of garter stitch to form a border and that will keep the edges from curling, too. Hope that helps.

    1. I can see me unravelling it again when I find it. For some reason, it's disappeared into the chaos that is my room after all the frantic rushing around earlier in the week. The dratted thing is going to be more unravelled than my nerves.
