
Sunday 10 September 2023

Too Much Weather

I forgot to post yesterday, partly because I spent a lot of time listening to bear. He explains a lot of things to me. I sort of understand in the moment, and it helps him get it straight in his head. We saw a lot of lightning last night which was incredibly bright and vivid, but there was no thunder or rain. The weather forecast was hinting extremely clearly at thunderstorms, and we are in the area at highest risk of thunderstorms according to a Met Office weather warning and there hasn't been a peep of one. I've been reduced to watching a live lightning weather map and there's been no trace of a sizzle. I'm feeling a little desperate as I can't wait for the weather to break, but I can't help wondering how much I'll be complaining about the cold in a few months time. I'm never satisfied.

I was looking at the garden, which I really need to sort out if I want to get autumn bedding in. It shamefully looks like this.

I think that these white flowers are feverfew. Gladys is once again the size of a small car.

It's not exactly a place of serene beauty, but there is a lot going on. I've spotted loads of bees, including what I think are honey bees, as well as bumble bees and hover flies. There are butterflies as well and what I think of as miscellaneous flying insects and miscellaneous scuttling insects. I'm wondering if it would be the right thing to clear it. Obviously I lack a lot of motivation, but this seems to be a happy place for insects. I am not necessarily enthusiastic about it but it has to mean something, right?

Tomorrow is bear's first day at LMAS. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it. As for tomorrow, it's the start of a new phase in my life and I have no idea what I'm going to do. I'll share when I find out.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. I think they are feverfew. I love them. Unfortunately mine have all been pulled up by a loving husband who was helpfully weeding, and didn't realise I'd left them deliberately!

    1. My late mother took feverfew tablets for her arthritis for years and they worked really well for her. She never had a cold at that time either. If I was a little more confident, I would perhaps gather some herbal remedies. They look so cheerful, I don't want to touch them.

  2. Your plants are looking lovely. Hope Bear's first day goes well.

  3. Your garden seems to be a very vibrant place and personally, I'd leave it as it is! Hope all goes well with the new phase in your life and bear's too!

    1. I'm very tempted to leave it until at least spring as it is a lot of places for wildlife, especially bugs, to shelter. Bear is having a wonderful time.

  4. Good luck today xxxx
