
Wednesday 13 September 2023

It's Only Wednesday

It's felt like a very long day today. It's been sort of productive, but sort of not. I'll be glad to start again tomorrow.

One thing that I'm now aware of is that I need to move a lot more. When I was whizzing up and down with bear and stopping off all the time at Tesco, I was getting a lot more steps in. Today I probably have barely done a thousand steps and I'm stiffening up. It doesn't help that my back keeps knotting up so I don't feel like going for any sort of walk. I'm going to have to bite the bullet. As it is, I'm waddling around like a constipated penguin.

I had a Tesco order today and it was a lot smaller than it could have been. I had a coupon for money off towels and a coupon for money off candles. I don't need towels and though I was tempted by some bath towels reduced to £1.50, I didn't get them. I don't need them and I don't need to spend the money. I always want candles, but I'm not ready to stock up with candles at the moment. That will be next month when I will buy a ridiculous amount from Home Sense. I'll get quite fancy candles for a lot less. I feel very proud that I didn't weaken. 

I didn't sleep well last night and I'm currently exhausted. I tried to nap but I have too much on my mind. I'll be picking bear up at around 10.30pm and then I think I'll just collapse when I get home. 

Writing stuff - I didn't write today's #HazardousToYourSanity's post but I may be using it as suggestions for books to read on the run up to Halloween. It's a list of books with a witchy character and I look forward to rummaging through it.

I've also been involved in proof reading for the kindle edition of A Place Called Paradise by Essie Summers. I feel completely honoured to be even remotely included as Essie Summers was not only an incredibly successful author but my late mother was also a serious admirer of her books. There hasn't been much to pick up and I'm about a third of the way through, but it reminded me of all the other typos that I see when I'm reading. I always feel a little stumble in my reading when I spot a typo which slows me down and it's a sort of pin prick of irritation and then I remember how many typos I make and how many errors show up in my work and I feel ashamed of myself for feeling irritated when it's so hard to pick up every mistake. So I wrote a quick blog post about typos here

I'm having a think about the next blog post about Research and the Author. I need to stress that I'm far pickier about my own work than anyone else's. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Well done resisting the towels and the candles! :D

  2. Candle weather is almost upon us - I have loads to use up so musn't be tempted to buy more. Keeping moving is the best thing - there was a Radio 4 program by a consultant in Leeds talking about how the one thing people can do to preserve their mobility for longer is to just move more - even a short walk each day is beneficial.

    1. I need to do that. I can see the difference already and I know that if I moved more it would be better. As for candles - almost any weather short of a heatwave is candle weather here!
