
Thursday 21 September 2023

Somewhat Dazed

I had a delivery today and took a pic of Gladys. It's not the usual angle, but the flowers are pretty and she is now almost as big as she was this time last year.

I've decided that I'm only doing some minor tidying in the garden, and that will have to wait until the weekend. I finished up a lot of different writing stuff today and tomorrow is booked. You see, it goes like this. The men at the garage are absolutely lovely, very understanding of a dippy old girl and tolerant of my knitting. The one on the desk always asks me for a cardigan. I don't think that I can manage a cardigan, but I hope to finish a scarf before I get to the appointment at 1pm tomorrow. It's the one row scarf and if I manage to finish, I'll take a pic. 

Bear is stressed at the moment about maths stuff. He's putting himself under a lot of pressure to excel and I just wish I could help him. All I can do is keep him fed, watered, reassured and listened to. He stayed late tonight to study at the library and I suspect that will be happening a lot. 

Writing Stuff - I wrote a lot of stuff that I can't share yet, but it was so many words over so many projects that I feel like my mind has switched off and all I'm getting is static. You can read my post on #HazardousToYourSanity on the Folklore about Gabble Ratchets here and you can read my grumble about my lack of organisational ability on my writing blog here although it's nothing that will surprise anyone on here. The next big thing for me is the October Frights and after the garage I'm going to be setting up for that. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Gladys looks very happy! Looking forward to seeing the finished scarf! I might have to try that pattern! Hope bear will feel less stressed about his maths as he settles into the new school year. My daughter and her classmates found an error in their maths book, one year, and the teacher had to admit that they were right, the solution provided in the answers section at the back was wrong! :D
