I was a hold up on the A65 today. I can drive on a basic level. I can do just fine on my regular routes. However the A65 between Skipton and Settle is probably best for someone a little more experienced than I. It has stretches with sharp, blind bends with unexpected dips and a very variable speed limits. I couldn't keep up to the national speed limit on some of those corners - they were scary! I was still managing 40-50mph, and I wasn't a complete liability, but I think I should have waited a while. It isn't a bad road - it has two lanes, so not exactly a real country road with passing places, but I'll need to up my game a little before I go back. I will go back.
I only got a couple of photos, and I am too tired to get my phone, but I drove to Ilkley, picked up some cola, then drove straight to Settle. I stopped at the Watershed Mill, which I don't recommend, and I didn't even get a pic of the Naked Man Cafe, though I found one on WikiCommons

I just sort of drove to Settle, grabbed a drink at the Watershed Mill, and then drove home, stopping quite a few times in lay-bys as I got cramp. I got lost on the way home and went through Otley and Kirkstall before finally getting back on the street. According to the Google tracking I was out for 4.27 hours and covered almost exactly 90 miles. I would have done it quicker, but I have never got through Ilkley in less than half an hour as there always seems to be a tailback. I had some quite nice rests in the lay-bys as well.
It beats yesterday. I only did around 20 miles and got lost around Hanging Heaton. I was checking I knew where to park when I take bear to get his school uniform, and I found it okay. However on the way back I turned right when I really should have turned left and hit some back country roads, though there was a lot less traffic than today.
Tonight we watched Captain Marvel together and now I am about to collapse after all that driving.
Hugs to all.
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