
Wednesday 12 April 2023

Slightly More Interesting

Sharon - thank you! It looks so fresh and spring like.

Bless - I love that idea of the chipped dish meaning bad luck leaving. I shall hold on to that. I'll have to go some way before I catch up with your lovely garden. I hope that you get the sweater sorted out soon - it's so frustrating to have to undo and re-knit.

My cellulitis is flaring up again and I trundled over to the doctor and got a prescription. I had to go along the old route to bear's primary school from all those years ago. I spotted the dead nettles which absolutely were never there before. It's not a brilliant pic, but I hope you can see them.

I nipped out to Tesco for the prescription (more antibiotics) and picked up some goodies for bear and then back home. 

Bear is a little stressed. I've spent a lot of the day listening to him. He's working on all the different ways he can score extra marks on the different subjects and trying to work out where to focus his efforts. It's going to be a long few months. His exams end on, I think, 21st June. 

Bear has also requested a particular maths textbook that he would like not because he needs it for a course but because complicated maths is fun. It's £60. The super duper complicated calculator that can do weird stuff and that he'll need next year is more expensive. We have the money, but I can see the costs stacking up so I think I'll be spending some time working on budgets for the next few days. 

As for walking, I wasn't brisk anywhere, but I've put in just over 5k and I plan to walk in circles in the living room for a while.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Sorry to hear you have another cellulitis flare up, Lyssa, but, glad you were able to get more antibiotics for it. Hope the antibiotics take effect, soon. Text books and all the other equipment students need can get expensive! But I love it that bear wants a particular math book for fun! I hope you'll be able to get it for him. :)

  2. It sounds like you've done quite a bit of walking! Sounds like that 60 would be well spent. It would help Bear destress while still working on Maths. Glad he's found something he really enjoys.
