
Tuesday 20 April 2021

Still Plodding On

First - want to cut and paste from Sarah Head's post about bereavement resources. It's so hard to go through a miscarriage, as so few people seem to talk about it. 

 It is never too late to talk about personal feelings of loss. When we were going through the retained organs scandal in the NHS, many CHCs (Community Health Councils, the patients' voice in the NHS until 2003) had women in their eighties arriving in the office to beg for the opportunity to tell someone about their lost baby or miscarriage. They'd all been told to "get on with life" and forget their loss. My mother had two miscarriages, both boys, both after a month of bedrest. She noted the first in my baby book but it took her eighteen years to admit the second one had happened. There is a Miscarriage Association which offers support and Cruse is always at the end of a telephone or available for an online chat about any loss. Sometimes it is the small things which help - lighting a candle, dropping a note into running water or planting a commemorative tree. For others, it can be making some kind of meaning from a seemingly meaningless occasion. 

All hugs gratefully received.

I've not much to post about, really. I've been working on a writing project and keeping up with bear. He was at climbing last night, and while I was waiting for him (and forbidden to knit because it's so embarrassing), I wrote, with pen and paper instead of a keyboard, the flash fiction here. It's a brief poem which is far from brilliant, but it was done in a noisy cafe with a middle aged man loudly lecturing anyone who stood still long enough and with modern techno music in the background. So I'm sort of pleased.

And I even used a pic that I  took myself. It's not up to the standard of Sharon and the rest of the wonderful artists who comment, but I'm sort of pleased with that as well.

Hugs and good health to all. 

1 comment:

  1. It's a lovely photo.

    I really like the poem. I would have been tempted to write a short murder mystery with the man in the cafe featuring as the victim ;)
