
Tuesday 11 July 2023

Could be Worse

Bear has a virus. He's definitely under the weather but fortunately seems to be keeping his strength up with Pringles. 

A short story I submitted to a magazine was rejected, but I'm not too surprised. It wasn't a perfect fit. 

But I got a lot of odd bits of housewifery done today, and the flowers in the garden are still blooming.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Lovely roses! Sorry your short story was rejected; all part and parcel of being an author, I suppose. Hope bear recovers from the virus, soon. Good to know that the pringles are helping to keep up his strength! :D

  2. Beautiful flowers! Sorry about Bear. My son is not feeling well again. He just got over something and now has something else. Sigh.
