
Friday 28 July 2023

Keeping up with Bear

This morning I was out of the house at 7.30am to call at the supermarket for some bits that I needed before dashing back. Bear was supposed to be going out but I didn't expect him to be gone when I got home at 8.30am. As DH had gone out for a walk, we were both a little surprised. Now I've had a text asking me to pick him up at 10pm. At least it's from the same spot as Wednesday. I'm studying the maps carefully, but I'm still having weird computer trouble that's leaving me sea-sick. 

I watched the England v Denmark game this morning. England won, and I very much enjoyed it - I got quite a bit of knitting done - but it didn't fill me with confidence. I'm no expert, but the England defence looked more erratic than my writing. 

I took a pic of the plants opposite. This is what it looked like on 29th June 2021

And this is what it looks like now.

It's mainly elder, but I think it's now a great place for wildlife. I think that it's wonderful how things recover.

Writing stuff - I'm trying to get back into reviewing (which I keep saying, but I mean it each time) and I reviewed a book. I sorted by 'cosy' and 'newly published' and found a sort of murder mystery. I felt bad, because I couldn't give it an 'amazing' rating, but it wasn't bad and I tried to be honest. Perhaps I need to concentrate on only reviewing books that I adore so I don't worry. Having a bad review can be so upsetting. The review is here

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Sounds like bear will keep you busy this summer! Those plants across from you look like a mini forest! :)

    1. It has a feel of a mini forest as well - I think it's mainly elder but that's not a bad bush for wildlife. There's plenty of cover and berries for the birds later.

  2. Wow that's quite a bit of difference! It's amazing how nature bounces back. Every year, around here, when the leaves fall sometimes people are really picky about raking and putting leaves out to be picked up (and taken I don't know where). We don't bother at all. Husband stacks some at the back of the garden and others just get run over with the last mow of the garden. It doesn't affect our grass. It all bounces back in the end.

    1. You're right - nature is amazing. I'm often surprised when plants I've neglected somehow flourish. And then there's Gladys the fuchsia, of course lol

  3. I wish my vegetable plants grew as fast as the weeds in my garden.
