
Wednesday 22 November 2023

I Can Just...

Nothing much happened today. I tootled up to the Co-op where they have a post office and posted a returned shirt that I picked up for bear. I misread the sizes on the eBay listing and I suspect that bear also had a growth spurt so it looked like he was wearing a kid's shirt from primary school. It was hilarious - he got it more or less over his shoulders but the arms didn't go much past his elbows. 

Trousers may start to be a problem. Standard sizes fit me and DH, but I noticed that the cargo pants he picked up for himself from, I think, Primark are a little bit high over the ankle. It's not obvious - he wears black trousers, black socks and black trainers - but they're looking a little short. It could be because they've been in the tumble dryer, but I have a suspicion that he may need to get the longer lengths now. 

There are worse problems to have. 

I was looking at the stats again and apparently, over the last week, there were five hits on a post from 2017 (probably from bots) where I had ironed some of the packing paper from Amazon and there was a link to a fancy floor made with the stuff. And I was thinking about using the idea in the porch - and I could still do it. I'm currently using squares of packing paper that's hanging up near the bin to scrape out mucky pans and tins, and I'm always getting stuff in the post. But I have said 'I'm going to...' so many times and it's never happened. I'm so fed up with myself for doing this.

Currently I'm trying to be careful about not doing this anymore. I've been thinking about how to try and force myself or coax myself or fool myself into getting more structure, but it's something of a fail at the moment. 

This is incredibly depressing, so I thought that I'd share this pic of a kitten. It's from Unsplash, taken by Loan and has cheered me up considerably.

It looks so cute. 

By the way, I'm not saying that I'm going to do this, and DH has views about not needing too many pics, but I'm considering downloading some pictures from a contributer on Unsplash called Europeana who have a collection of all sorts of fine art pics which I'm sure would look lovely if I framed them and hung them around the house and they are free to use. Here's an example that is tempting me.

If I ever get around to it, and if the printer manages to copy something this delicate, I'll let you know.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. That is a very cute picture of a kitten! Well, as long as you keep saying, "I'm going to", no one can accuse of not having good intentions! :)

  2. I, too, procrastinate when foretelling what my future holds, as far as projects go. As I've gotten older, I've finally given in to the fact that nothing "needs" to get done all at once. It took some time before I was okay with doing things a little bit at a time, and not going crazy because it wasn't completed. I wanted to change what was on top of a china cabinet and it took 3 days and I'm still not sure I'm satisfied. And, in the meantime, wanting to rearrange what is inside, which after pulling out some things and moving some, it is still not done and every time I look at it, I think, I've got to finish that one of these days. (hopefully sooner than later) I have other things that I was always going to do also, that I finally donated the items to do it, because I was almost positive it wasn't ever going to get done. I have a diorama that I want to make (witches cottage/apothecary), just for fun, and want to try doing some water coloring, but I have a perfectionist attitude and rather than start it and be dissatisfied with the result, I never get to it. They are both things that I think I should do during the winter and never do, but maybe this winter will be different. As you know, there is always something that seems more important that needs to be done.
    As far as Bear outgrowing his pants etc. I was always tall, growing up, and it was near impossible to find pants with long enough length as well as the sleeves being too short. As time went on, these types of items became more available, but you were charged extra for those 1 or 2 inches added to the length. The price increase did not seem relatable to the small amount of fabric needed to make these items, but you paid, because you had no choice and were glad to find things that actually fit. I hope it will be easy to find clothes for Bear, that fit his height increase. My husband is 6'4" and fortunately, he has several options for getting jeans in the length needed. It doesn't matter as much for me anymore, because age and a messed up back stole a couple of inches from me.
    It is Thanksgiving here and I always say I'm going to prepare things in advance (besides just the pies) and never do. This year, I finally got my act together and baked a squash and also assembled and baked the dressing plus made a pumpkin pie. (singular on the pie - it's only dinner for my husband and myself) I can always make an apple pie later. So today is just baking the turkey (free from my husbands work) peel and cook up potatoes for mashed spuds and make gravy. We will nuke the squash and the dressing and probably pop the rolls (store bought) into the oven for a quick warm up. Hang in there. Tomorrow may just be a better day for both of us. (I also like the print that you chose. I hope it comes out looking great.) Ranee (MN) USA

    1. I like the idea of picking small bits and not trying to do everything. I'm going to steal that. I always want to do everything all at once and perfect, and it's not possible.
      Bear has a few more inches left in him, I think. I think it means that I'll always have somone to reach things down from high shelves lol.
      I hope that you had an amazing Thanksgiving. We don't have that here, but with Christmas, we have sat down and thought what was important to us and decided that it wasn't time in the kitchen. Most of our stuff is store bought these days.
      It's great to see you, Ranee

  3. Kitten photos like that always make me smile and that's a good thing.
