Wednesday, 31 January 2024
Last Day of January
Tuesday, 30 January 2024
I Went Out
I'm practically never out of the house these days, but I nipped out to Aldi this evening to pick up some of their chocolate. DH makes fancy hot chocolate and he likes to grate a little of the dark chocolate into it. For a change, I took a pic of the tubs of birdfood stashed in the back of the car.
My phone did not appreciate the low light. There's another couple of tubs as well. One is peanuts without their shell. I'm cautious about those as we feed the birds where a lot of dogs are walked and I don't want any pup getting poorly from them.
I've had a clean behind the cooker and fridge but it will need another sweep. I'll wait until I know when the cooker will be delivered.
Otherwise it was a pretty quiet day. I'm going to settle down now and start making lists to do tomorrow.
Hugs and good health to all.
Monday, 29 January 2024
Still Cooking
This is a very poor picture of the back of the cooker.
Sunday, 28 January 2024
The Cooker Blew Up
Saturday, 27 January 2024
The Crows Were Fed
We dropped off some jars and clothes at a charity shop this morning. I wanted to go to one near parking and there's a charity shop for a Children's Hospice near a free car park in Cleckheaton, so we went there. Then we went along to the park where we fed the crows and magpies.
There were a lot of them but they scattered at the first sign of my phone. We spent around an hour watching them squabble and chase each other - it was so much fun.
Since then we've been hanging out at home. Bear has been doing a lot of homework, but he came in and out just to spend some time. I'm hoping that we can perhaps watch some Doctor Who together later.
It's been lovely and relaxing.
I had a fairly realistic dream last night. I may have been chased by yetis up a crazy climbing wall in the middle of Tescos, but it's because I had taken a longer route to avoid a difficult junction. I need to get driving more to get my confidence back. I'll share if I ever manage it.
Hugs and good health to all.
Friday, 26 January 2024
Unproductive Week
The whole week has been something of a fail. Today's fail was the casserole - it was inedible. I'd added the chorizo left over from the chorizo and chickpea thing to chicken and veggies and put in far too much liquid. The chicken could have been used to sole shoes. Fortunately the baked potatoes (done in the Air Fryer and very pleasant indeed) worked so we had them with beans.
Also, bear has been explaining complicated things to me. This hasn't helped.
On the bright side, I finally published a book review on my blog after 'getting around' to taking pics. It should be under 'writing things' but I really enjoyed it and it's not the normal type of book I review. The British Library has an online shop and I may or may not have lusted after a lot of the contents. I admit nothing. Anyway I subscribed to the monthly Tales of the Weird which is absolutely the sort of thing that I should read for inspiration. Subscribers get it a little earlier than general sale and my first volume came with two pics and a bookmark. The review is here but I can tell you that I am happy that I have it. It even includes Carmilla which is one of my favourite gothic tales of all time and a story by Mary Shelley called The Invisible Girl.
It's not just that I enjoy the book, but it's supporting the British Library. It feels like I'm contributing a infinitesimal fraction to something important. I confess that I plan to look up the previous editions on Kindle Unlimited, or even purchase the eBook. Here are the pics - suitably gothic!
Hopefully next week will be better.
Hugs and good health to all.
Thursday, 25 January 2024
We Have an Air Fryer Oven
Wednesday, 24 January 2024
Slightly Less Dull
Monday, 22 January 2024
There Was a Tyre Problem
I had been worried whether I was imagining the iffy steering because I was over influenced by the sensors going off, but there was a nail in one of the tyres. The wonderful people at In n Out charged £25 for the repair and let me wait while they mended it. Not only did they let me wait but I knitted and had a complementary hot chocolate. Also they politely didn't mention the tubs of birdseed on the back seat that I forgot to move.
Before I started today, the hat was this much done.
I only got a couple of rows done.
Sunday, 21 January 2024
Quite Windy
Hugs and good health to all.
I Went Out
DH and I went to feed the crows again. It was awesome. We're sharing the bird food that we got in for the bird table. It was fascinating watching them. Crows can fit up to three monkey nuts in their beaks at the same time, but magpies can only fit one no matter how hard they try. There's also a mix of bigger and smaller birds and we think that it is adult and juveniles. Crows tend to strut around and weigh things up. Magpies watch from a distance then swoop in and grab something before darting off.
Friday, 19 January 2024
Still Incredibly Dull
Thursday, 18 January 2024
Seriously Dull
Monday, 15 January 2024
Half Way Through the Month
The month is half way done and I'm feeling underwhelmed at my achievements. I'm still feeling under the weather and I thought I was going to pass out when I got the delivery today. I daren't drive - the pressure light on the tyres has come on again and I need to take it back to the awesome garage, but that will wait for a while. As it's quite cold and my battery is elderly, I think that I'll spend maybe twenty minutes with the engine running tomorrow to keep things moving.
I took the top of the feeder down.
There is a sewer running underneath the middle of the road, there's a pizza place, Thai place, sandwich shop and fish and chip shop within staggering distance and there is a small stream around a hundred yards the other side of the building on the left. Rats are going to happen, but I owe it to my neighbours to stop tempting them to come and visit.
As you can see, it's been a crisp, clear, cold day. There are mutters about snow hitting us tomorrow, but today was lovely.
Writing stuff - my response to last week's writing prompt is here. I am having so much fun that it should be illegal.
Hugs and good health to all.
Sunday, 14 January 2024
We're Going to Lose the Bird Table
A Nice Man knocked on our door today and showed us a video he'd taken of seven rats on the bird table. Apparently the bird food was a draw for the furry fiends. He asked nicely, so we're getting rid of it. I don't blame him at all.
I haven't got any pics today, so here's an old one of the bird table.
It's from back in November 2022 and before the squirrel did too much damage. I'm going to research plants that are good for birds and see if I can support them that way. The berries on the honeysuckle and fuchsia are a help. And now I don't have Gladys (whose dormant) or the birds/rats/squirrels to talk about, I'm going to have to be energetic to have something to put in here.
On a slightly cheerier note, DH made an epic dinner. I was talking about using up things in the cupboards and we have some tiny bottles of wine in the cupboard. I wandered around the internet for a while and found a recipe which turned out completely and unexpectedly gorgeous. It's chorizo and chickpeas in red wine from Tesco. You fry half a pound of chorizo for a few minutes in olive oil, add a tin of chickpeas and fry for a few minutes more. You add 100ml of red wine and reduce by half, then add another 100ml and reduce that by half. When it's syrupy, add a good dollop of honey, cook for a minute, add fresh rosemary and serve. They suggest that it's eaten with bread. I quite fancied eating it with peas or cabbage. DH made a carrot risotto to go with it. It was splendid. And it was quite quick as well. It was supposed to serve 6 but made a decent but not over substantial portion for the three of us. It wasn't desperately inexpensive, but we will absolutely be bringing it out for another time. We finished off the last of the cake afterwards, which was also a recipe from Tesco.
Perhaps that's what I can write about - new recipes.
Bear today has learned a valuable lesson - if all your clothes are black, don't leave tissues in your pocket. I left a lint brush on the table for him.
Hugs and good health to all.
Saturday, 13 January 2024
I Broke Another Bag
It's been so long since I actually went out. I can't remember going anywhere since before Christmas. I couldn't find my coat. As it was, I nipped out to Aldi in a new location to pick up some Chorizo for a recipe DH is trying tomorrow. I'll share if it works out.
The new location was bigger than I'm used to, or at least it felt that way. I think it's fairly new.
But the drive there was horrible - it was dark and there were lots of mini roundabouts and fiddly bits. It was only around 5.30pm, though, so having no lighting in the car park made parking a little tricky. I missed the road markings and went the wrong way around the one way system.
Otherwise it's been a lovely, quiet day with a hope of the same tomorrow.
Hugs and good health to all.
Friday, 12 January 2024
I Made a Cake!
Thursday, 11 January 2024
Very Very Very Quiet
I slept most of today. I am ready to fall asleep again now.
I'm feeling a lot better, though, and hopefully will start moving with more purpose. I'm supposed to be making a cake tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes.
Hugs and good health to all.
Wednesday, 10 January 2024
Watching the Weather
Apparently it's been one of the warmest autumns ever here which has brought a lot of plants forward. The honeysuckles are really sprouting.
The forecast is for the weather to turn much colder, however, and I'm worried that it will affect the plants.
I've spent another quiet day, but I've got some plans to start more tomorrow and hopefully I'll have more to report.
Writing stuff - I remembered the 'Research and the Author' pieces that I did a while ago and today I added one about, of all things, fruit - here.
Hugs and good health to all.
Being Sensible
It sort of makes me think of the rich colours that can be found in a good stash, but it isn't exactly what I was looking for.
Monday, 8 January 2024
First Proper Monday
I just remembered to print out the weekly checklist that I started to try before Christmas. I managed some of it today, but not so much as I would like and reading through the list helps.
I've only been outside to feed the birds, and then I forgot to take a pic. I did get a very poor pic of a squirrel on the bird feeder which I took from the bathroom window, but it was so grainy that you can't see anything. Instead here's an old one of a squirrel that was on the drainpipe.
It was actually taken 5 January 2023, almost exactly a year ago.
I'm a lot better and I plan to spend the next few days hunkered down. My shoulder is a lot better - apparently the trip to the hospital worked even though nothing happened - but I'm still wheezing and sniffling like a professional. At least I can type a little better now.
Writing stuff - My response to last week's writing prompt is here. One of my tasks tomorrow is to sort out all the writing I want to do and try and work out how to work around it.
Hugs and good health to all.
Sunday, 7 January 2024
Well That Was Fun
I'm fine, but today I had a couple of classic signs of a heart attack - pain in left arm, shoulder and neck and breathlessness. I headed to A&E (Emergency for those not UK) and was treated pretty quickly. I had an ECG and chest X-ray and all is clear. I noticed that there is a new sign of the times - power banks to rent.
You could rent a power bank for £3 per hour, keeping your phone on. I could make jokes, but it's a vital way of keeping family, friends and neighbours informed and being able to sort out things like lifts and taxis home. I didn't need it, however, as I dozed for most of the time.
I'm really upset that I worried bear, but at least now all I need to do is try and work out what's going on with all the aches and pains. I think I will have an early night and start again tomorrow.
Hugs and good health to all.
Feeling Better
It's been a few days since I've posted, because there hasn't been much to post. I've been reading my bodyweight in romance stories, and as that's ebooks and I'm a well built lass, that's a lot of romances.
I spent a very small amount on what was described as a sort of escape room game. I took this pic because I remembered that I needed a pic for today and I had to fish the leaflet out of the bin, which should tell you how good it wasn't.
I mean, it wasn't bad for a £3 box which included a 'fit pieces into pattern' puzzle, a deduction puzzle, a logic puzzle that bear leapt on as it was mainly algebra and a code. I'm used to the puzzle codes being something like, 'a = q, b = f, c = z' which is a basic substitution thing. I watched the two men in my life argue about it being a Caesar code and talking about different cyphers. It was a basic substitution. It was fun. Then we watched a truly surreal few episodes of Doctor Who - Doctor Who and the Zarbi which I think came out in 1964 or 1965. We may have heckled some of the special effects.
And this time five years ago I was posting about bear's Christmas homework. He was sent home by his history teacher to make a model of a castle, also known as hell for parents.
I swear that I still twitch at the site of old lollypop sticks.
Writing stuff - I've put some thoughts about poetry on Hazardous to Your Sanity here, but it's my usual thoughts. It was supposed to be a poem, but the poetry I wrote was dreadful.
I also finally published the next instalment of Invitation Accepted here. That story has nearly finished, and I know exactly where I'm going with the next one.
Hugs and good health to all.
Wednesday, 3 January 2024
Continuing Unproductive
Tuesday, 2 January 2024
Start of the Year
It's continuing quiet here. DH is back at work but bear isn't back until next Monday. I didn't post yesterday as there wasn't really much to post.
My cough continues, and it's very trying. I abandoned bear to look after himself (which he was fine with). It's got a lot worse over the day, but if it follows the pattern that DH suffered, I should be fine soon. So much for going out all the time.
I picked bear up from a MacDonalds on New Year's Day. He was incredibly stingy with any gossip. He seems to have had a good time and there doesn't seem to have been any trouble, so I'm happy about that.
As I have Kindle Unlimited, I've probably got my money's worth from a whole year of subscription reading rubbishy romances that I don't want to admit to. I've picked up on a surprising amount of typos and I'm praying that my stuff isn't that bad. It's so easy to miss stuff. Also, there seem to be a lot of fake date billionaire brother's friend's secret werebear special forces going on. When it comes to my reading so far this year, I admit nothing!
I haven't taken pics, so here is a pretty one that I found on Unsplash, from Europeana There has to be at least a ghost in there - right?
I may use it for a writing prompt.
Writing stuff - speaking of writing prompts, today's writing prompt is here, with a much less interesting pic. You may notice that the title reads 'Writing Prompt Number 5' but the url refers to number 6. That's because I stacked up a load ready to go as I'm normally rubbish in January and February, and I lost track of the numbers. We all know that's normal for me. My response to last week's writing prompt is here.
Any and all are invited to play with the writing prompt. You can share or not as you wish. I'm using it as a writing gym, and that's why I'm posting, but it doesn't mean that others can't benefit, if they feel like it and it's fun.
Hugs and good health to all.