
Wednesday 3 January 2024

Continuing Unproductive

Cough continues and I haven't done much at all today. I keep stopping to cough or blow my nose so I haven't tried to knit. I am coughing everywhere so I'm not wandering around the house. I haven't taken any pics, so I looked through to see if I had a nice one from last year and found this from 5th January 2023.

It was a beautiful sunrise. I'd just dropped bear at school and was picking up a few bits before heading home. On days like that, I would leave the house between 7am and 7.15am, drop bear off, pick up some bits and then be back home by perhaps 9.30 or 10am. Then I would leave again around 2pm to 2.30pm to pick up bear and get home around 4.15pm if the traffic was kind. Looking back, it wore me down over time. 

I haven't taken enough advantage over the last term now that I have the luxury of spending the time at home, but after seeing that picture and realising the changes, I need to do all the planning I can between coughs to make sure that I get a little more accomplished over the next few months. I should not spend it devouring romance novels with questionnable dialogue like I did today. 

Sharon mentioned that one hazard of Kindle Unlimited is the self-published books that aren't exactly brilliant examples of good spelling and grammar. Anyone can publish anything on Amazon. There are a few guidelines about sex and violence, but I could publish a shopping list. I could publish a collection of posts from this blog, and, to be fair, Tales from the White Hart is exactly that (sorry about the link but it's compulsory for authors). Amazon don't check for spelling, grammar or accuracy. This means that you or I can write a story, put it through the Amazon formatter, create a cover with Amazon's own software or using the free tools on Canva and no-one will check if you know the difference between they're, there and their. There are some gems, but you have to pick through them. I may or may not have been picking through a lot today. 

Writing stuff - talking about planning, I've posted my Wednesday chat about my hopes for the New Year and my lack of planning here

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. That is a beautiful sunrise! It's interesting to look back on what we did when we had to ferry the children to and fro, isn't it? There was a time when I'd leave the house by 6:00 a.m. with my daughter, to drive 1 hour to take her to campus, and then, drive another 1 hour to my office; then, in the evening, after work, drive 1 hour to pick up my daughter and another 1-1.5 hours to drive home (time varied according to evening traffic). We usually didn't get home until around 7:30 p.m. or later. I'd fall asleep on the sofa for a bit and then, get dinner while daughter did homework, etc., and we'd go to bed after midnight and wake up at 5:00 a.m. the next day. We did that for 4 years! I don't think I'd be able to do that, now.
    I do hope that your cough will be better soon. Until then, enjoy all the romance novels you want! :D

  2. That's a lovely photo!
    One of the joys of Kindle Unlimited is that you get a chance to 'discover' new reads that you might not necessarily have picked. There are a few that have been pure rubbish, but others that I've really enjoyed!
