
Wednesday 10 January 2024

Watching the Weather

Apparently it's been one of the warmest autumns ever here which has brought a lot of plants forward. The honeysuckles are really sprouting.

The forecast is for the weather to turn much colder, however, and I'm worried that it will affect the plants. 

I've spent another quiet day, but I've got some plans to start more tomorrow and hopefully I'll have more to report.

Writing stuff - I remembered the 'Research and the Author' pieces that I did a while ago and today I added one about, of all things, fruit - here

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Hope your honeysuckle and other plants do well when it gets cold. We've had a couple of cold nights, here, (down to 35F) and my lantana plants have some frost damage, but, they'll recover in the spring.

    1. I'm hopeful that the honeysuckle will survive, and I'm a lot more confident about Gladys these days.

  2. It's definitely been a mostly mild winter so far. The days will soon start to lengthen and spring will be here before we know it. Blimmin cold yesterday though.

    1. The weather forecast is putting it cold but not Arctic, so I'll take your encouragement and keep my fingers crossed. Thank you.
