
Wednesday 10 January 2024

Being Sensible

It's not like me to resist a sale, but I have. Tesco have money off vouchers for bedding or towels (which I don't need), cleaning products (I know that there's a good sale coming up), food storage (I am overwhelmed by the boxes I already have and I'm getting rid of loads) and various items on the theme of plant based (which wouldn't be eaten in time). I've ignored them as I wouldn't get the benefit. Obviously I'm taking advantage of the £1 off if you spend £5 on frozen fruit or veg because while a frozen food event is looming on the horizon, when it's the big deal I usually go for the higher priced meat stuff and ignore the frozen peas. I love peas, so it's worth getting a few bags and getting the money off. 

I've also ignored the Knitting Network emails, though that was an effort. The latest offer was for £10 off a minimum of a £20 spend. That's not a bad deal. On one hand I regret signing up to the marketing emails as they tempt me, but on the other hand it's a great incentive to knit to clear space for the next bargains. By the way, I put in 'knitting yarn pile' to the search engine on Unsplash and got this taken by Ed Robertson, which I thought was interesting.

It sort of makes me think of the rich colours that can be found in a good stash, but it isn't exactly what I was looking for. 

I'm taking it easy today. For those interested, I read Anyone But the Boss and I laughed so much that I thought I would need an ambulance. It is only suitable for those who are okay with what I could call marital aids or adult massagers, but I nearly fell off my chair laughing as I read it. To put it in perspective, there is a hairless cat, one of those sphinx cats, called Mike Hunt in it. It's hilarious but you have been warned. I'm not writing a review. 

Writing stuff - the writing prompt for this week is here. I have no idea what I'll write, but I'm sure that I'll have fun writing it. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Oh, how I enjoyed examining that "yarn pile" of old books! So fun to read the old titles, and try to figure out what some of them said. Thanks!

    1. I love unexpected jumbles of things. I'm glad you could enjoy them.

  2. Ha ha, I'm trying to resist too! It's really hard with all the sales going on. I was on my computer, about to give in to temptation and press that buy button on Amazon when the power went out today lol.

  3. Now I'm intrigued. I'll have to see if our library has that book.

    1. I don't know how likely that is. I read it from Kindle Unlimited which supplies me with silly amounts of books.

  4. Interesting picture for a knitting yarn pile! :D
    Well done avoiding a sale on items you don't need or use. Glad you enjoyed your book. :) Hope you are feeling better.

    1. I love unexpected search results. Thank you, I'm feeling much better.
