
Monday, 15 June 2015

Going with the Flow

The call to the council about rats seems to have stirred up more than the furry vermin.  Nice Mr Next Door is currently moving stuff (they moved out officially in April, and it's been a bit hit and miss) and so is the Landlord.  No furry sightings.

So stuff is being moved gently around and the skip is getting incredibly full incredibly quickly.  There is a chance that by the end of the week we will have a more or less normal street.  That is, it will still be full of potholes, badly made and the laurels at the back of Matalan will be encroaching over their sagging wire fence, but for the first time in ten years the place will not be full of cars in stages of repair.  I'm going to really miss it.

I have found someone called Mica Peet who makes extremely attractive jewellery.  I am wondering when I would wear it, but even though I don't have many days out I am very drawn to this hare  

I really shouldn't wander in places on the internet that sell stuff.  It never ends well.

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