I keep forgetting to post. I feel poorly quite easily at the moment, but I'm trying to get bits done in short bursts.
Saturday I thought I would tackle my fear of the slip road and head onto the bypass and northwards to Lawnwood Cemetary. I was bracing myself for going at speeds up to 60 miles an hour - but there were road works. Imagine my exhilaration (or lack) at bumbling along at 30mph. I did get to manage a few longer bursts of speed further on, though, and the car feels better for it. I still don't feel comfortable. I'm never going to be a speed demon.
I couldn't find where to park at Lawnwood Cemetary so I kept going and ended up at Golden Acre Park. This is a wetland park with lots of marshy bits, like here, which is apparently Skunk Cabbage (I may have posted about it before).
It is quite marshy, and after a while I had to turn back as I didn't fancy wading through mud in slippers.
There were also trees like this, which is perhaps mistletoe? I'm not sure.
I got a load of doggy cuddles, so that was good. And I called into the big Asda on the way back, which was something of a win for me. It's a little awkward to get to. I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing that I found a non-dual carriageway to get to it. The 'free from' section was amazing, though, so I should go back, whichever route I take.
Yesterday I got a few bits done in the garden and enjoyed bear practicing the piano after a long absence. I got the edging in for the centre bed (seriously, it's smaller than most coffee tables and the entire garden is tiny, but it sounds grand) and I've got some runner beans planted. The lilac is still filling the garden with scent. It's the first year that it really took off. It must have liked the odd spring. The apple tree is absolutely full of the set blossoms. I'm going to have to thin them. And all the hawthorn trees are full of blossom. I took this pick this morning on my walk.
There were goslings as well on the pond, which were sweet (and well supervised by the scary adult Canada geese)
I have such a list of things to do tomorrow (which I daren't share). I'm just having to pace myself. Perhaps I need to speak to my GP. I have no idea what's going on.
But things could be a lot worse.
Hugs and good health to all.