
Sunday 29 October 2023

DH Had Fun

DH put some fake tombstones in our garden. As the garden looks very similar to an abandoned graveyard, it works. 

I am not tidying up before spring. At the moment the garden is still a resource for insects when we're coming up to a tough time of year. Also, the sparrows enjoy any insects provided. 

Though I could do with planting out some hebe I have in the pots I bought them in a few months ago and I've also been considering giving the garden a quick water of fertiliser to tide the plants over. Any advice on that would be appreciated.

I'm also worrying a little about my parenting. Bear needs wants a haircut. He's been going to the barber shop at the end of the street since he was tiny, and for a while I've been giving him the money and sending him off. The hairdresser has set up appointments after the plague, and normally DH (who also goes to that very reasonable, pleasant and competent barber) books it for him. I encouraged him to get the details for him to make his own bookings. Bear is almost seventeen. I would absolutely go with him if he wanted, but he says that he's fine. 

I hope that I'm not leaving him too adrift. I'm letting him make his own decisions about things like clothes and, well, practically everything. We talk about stuff, so I hope that he has at least some understanding of possible pitfalls. There is less than two years before he leaves for university, and if he's going to make mistakes then I'd rather he make them now when he has a safety net. And whatever else, I don't want him to go off and be so helpless that he can't function away from home. So far, bear is far more sensible than DH and I, but I worry.

Bear is confident that he has it all under control. 

Leg is still sore. I'll see how I do tomorrow. If I'm being silly about going to the doctor then I may try the walk in centre. Going to my GP is hard, because the carpark is tiny, tricky and always jammed so I would never be able to park there. It's on a dual carriageway so there's no on-road parking. There is a stream at the back of the building so I can't park there. It is also around 500 yards away from our house as the crow flies. I should be able to walk there without issue, but it feels like it's impossible. I could drive somewhere further away and have no problem. 

Thank you for the kind comments - you are awesome! I'll do a proper answer tomorrow.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. I think you are sensible letting/encouraging Bear to be as independent as possible. Both our sons were surprised that some of the students they shared accommodation with had no clue about basic things. Better to learn things while he is still living at home rather than miles away. I hope you are feel confident to see a Dr and that you feel better soon x

    1. Thank you. I think I've encountered a share of clueless students and I don't want bear to be one of them.

  2. Your DH did a good job with decorating the garden! It all looks very natural!
    It sounds like you are doing great when it comes to parenting bear.
    I do hope you are able to find a way to get to the doctor's to have your leg checked. Can your DH drop you off there and pick you up, afterwards? Then you won't have to worry about parking.

    1. Thank you - I hadn't thought about being dropped off.

  3. Would it be possible to share your worries with Bear? It sounds as though he's a sensible lad, so one day, when he's (trapped) in the car with you, you could casually mention how you feel? I don't know - I'm not a mother. It sounds as though he's learning to be a capable young man.

    1. I had a word with him and he is very happy with things. I should learn not to worry!

  4. I think you are doing exactly the right thing with your son. As you say, it is better to make some mistakes now than have a rude awakening in a couple of years time. My twin grandsons are 17 now (where does the time go?) and both "dropped out" of college to work for landscapers (basically labouring) and I worried about that but my daughter pointed out that she dropped out of 6th form, worked a few years in temporary office jobs, then went on to train as a nurse - she is currently completing her Masters - and is the most loving, upright, hard-working person I know (no bias of course). Bear will make mistakes - at 68 I'm still making them - but as long as he has supportive family and friends around him I'm sure he will turn out just fine. I hope you do get to see a doctor. I often put off going because I always think I'm going to get told off about my weight (which I know needs addressing), and also hang-ups from childhood when I was "threatened" with being taken to the doctor if I was naughty. The last 2 years however have seen me diagnosed with a tricky auto-immune condition which has greatly impacted my life, and this time last year I was told they had discovered endometrial cancer and I had a total hysterectomy within a few weeks. Luckily, the cancer was completely enclosed within the womb and no further treatment was necessary. So I am a bit more inclined to ring the doctor now, although getting a face to face appointment is about as difficult as getting an audience with the Pope. Best wishes xx

    1. I had a bad experience last summer which hasn't helped. I'm glad that they found the cancer early. I hope that you can work within the auto immune condition to have a good life.
