I also broke the iron. It gave up with just the half of one front of DH's shirt left to go. I am not actually surprised as it is quite old and I dropped it a lot. Fortunately I had one stashed from a few years ago when there was an amazing deal. I am not planning on getting a new reserve iron, or at least not until next Amazon Prime Day next year when I shall do research and see if there are deals worth having. Otherwise I may hang on until Black Friday 2018, though not all the Black Friday deals are all they are made out to be so I shall need to look at what prices are before the sale, and before they could be artificially inflated to be in the sale.
I was hoping that I would be able to hang on until Black Friday 2017 for a new freezer. I have been muttering about that freezer for some time. However today I pulled out a bag of curly fries that I had used yesterday. There was a thin layer of frost over it. I don't think things have defrosted, I just think that air is getting in through the worn out seal. I shall start researching and seeing what I can salvage.
We have lost a grave. When my late mother was buried, we got a double plot and the idea was that eventually uncle would join her, so no headstone yet. We hoped it would be longer between burials. However the vicar explained that there had been a slight issue with burials and record keeping at the time and he couldn't be absolutely certain which grave needed to be opened. He had an idea as there was a grave between two graves with headstones with the right dates on - one earlier and one later than mother's passing, but was concerned that uncle would be interred and then some family would turn up asking indignantly why a strange man was put on top of their Grandma. It is the sort of thing that uncle would have found absolutely hilarious and I am sure he is chuckling at our bewilderment. I keep finding myself laughing as who would think you could lose a grave? If all else fails then we will have another plot and it will be fine. The vicar has been pretty amazing as he has sorted out the order of service with me over the phone, has been very kind and has only been in the parish a few months. It can't be easy telling a potentially volatile lady who is in the middle of grief that they have managed to misplace the burial plot.

This is the Church yard in question, photo taken by John S Turner and used under the Creative Commons Agreement

This is the old part of the churchyard, where my great grandparents are buried, also taken by John S Turner and used under the Creative Commons Agreement. They made a quiet space for people to think in the place where the graves were so old that most were untended
I hope they manage to locate the grave! I'm glad the vicar is being helpful. that churchyard looks like a very peaceful spot. Bless