
Friday 11 November 2022

Keeping Moving

Bless - Thank you! The thing about kitchen gadgets is that you can do practically everything with a sharp knife and a decent pan. But a shiny kitchen gadget is such a want!!!

The cellulitis isn't improving, but at least it hasn't spread. I spent the day ringing the doctor, waiting for a call back, talking to the doctor and then rushing out to get the new prescription - more antibiotics and some cream plus an appointment in ten days time. 

I am currently so tired I could cry, but I'm not feeling so poorly. Bear is also tired. I think that the exams have got to him. 

Mind you, I've been doing some writing and found that the combination of a tank of decent petrol plus writing a character slightly darker than my usual hero or heroine makes me a lot more assertive driving on the school run. I was still ridiculously law abiding, but found it a lot easier to get out at a roundabout. I may have to rethink my writing style. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. I found it both interesting and amusing that your writing style may be affecting your driving style. It's curious what things may or may not influence a person and in what way. Never thought about it from a writers perspective. I do have a tendency to start sounding a bit Scottish when reading books written in this regard. (no, not much Scottish in my bloodline - very tiny amount) I do hope you are able to get your cellulitis under control. I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to medical diagnosis, so had to google it to find out more about it. Sounds painful and truly hope it gets better soon. We are tired here too, I think because of rainy and gloomy days. (rain was much needed and appreciated) Knowing winter is around the corner with much of the white stuff possible is also wearing when it comes to ones mood. I would love to see some sunshine. I was to the clinic today for a yearly check in to get my prescription for blood thinners renewed and you never know from time to time, what to expect. Today they wanted a blood draw. They also wanted a wee test but that wasn't going to happen so she sent me home with everything I needed to do it at home and then drop it off at the lab. I had no idea I could get a wee cup to go. Anyhow, results have already appeared on blood work and I see my glucose is on the high side. Perhaps too much Halloween candy and carbs? I will have to see what I can do to try to lower the numbers a bit. In the meantime, I wish you well and hope things start to turn around for you. Also hope Bears exams are about done and he can get caught up with his rest and hopefully, less stress.

  2. Glad you were able to speak with a doctor and get some additional medications to treat the cellulitis. I'm also glad that you have a follow up appointment. Too funny about what contributed to a more assertive style of driving! :D

  3. I'm a bit of a sucker for gadgets and that looks like a useful one. I will resist the temptation though!

    I hope the new medication and cream help clear up the cellulitis but am sending extra ((hugs)) in the meantime xx

  4. This really seems to be dragging you down. I hope the new medication helps.
