It could always be worse. Today I have had major tummy ache. I mean, really, really, really bad. However it happened after I cleared and reorganised two double cupboards so that's good. There wasn't much stuff out of date, mainly because I was sorting out the tin cupboards. As I can't get to the back of the cupboards I sort of hooked the cans out with the end of a brush and sorted through them. I do not need to buy a tin of beans and sausage for some time. I'm also pretty good for tinned tomatoes, but I know I'll use the stock I have quite quickly. The tinned tomato soup may take a little longer as I quite like it, but bear prefers home made soup (and I am out of that). I've got five more kitchen cupboards that need the same treatment, but I'll save that for when bear isn't around.
Less brilliant was bear and the Lego. My brother spent an absolute fortune on a complicated bit of Lego, and it's too complicated for him. He just gave up today. Poor lad looked so defeated, and after we had had such an awesome morning with extra Minecraft. The second book in the Skullduggery Pleasant series still hasn't arrived either. I'm hopeful that he cheers up a little tomorrow as we are actually leaving the house.
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