
Friday 18 December 2020

What Have I Forgotten?

I'm trying to remember what I've forgotten for Christmas. I'm sure that there's something. I went to the shops again and picked up some bits and came away with a load of stuff forgotten! I seem to be calling into shops a lot for bits like fresh fruit and veg and bread. I'm going to try and limit my visits after Christmas. 

The trouble is, I pass so many shops to and from school drop off. And I keep forgetting to write things on the shopping list. However I do not plan on going anywhere near the shops over the weekend and I have two deliveries coming on Monday so I can do one final dash on Tuesday or Wednesday for the last minute stuff. Then I'm at home again until 28th when I need to get further stuff for bear's birthday tea. Apart from anything else, I'm using so much hand sanitiser that I'm stripping the oils from the skin on my hands and they are a complete wreck and it serves me right. It's all very well me being meticulous about masks and washing my hands - I shouldn't be going in more than I need to. 

It's been a while since I did an online shop with Tesco. I have been whittling down the favourites list. It was at 12 pages, full of one-off buys and impulse purchases. It was at 12 pages and it's now down to 6, but I may reduce it a little further.

The whole business of the shopping has made me think about New Year's Resolutions. I fail at any sort of resolutions. I was doing really well as I started the cleaning routine but then I talked about it and stuff happened and I stopped. I need to plan the shopping more efficiently. And I should be taking better care of my health. Of course there is a huge list of stuff that is actually quite urgent that I haven't got around to as well and I forget or get distracted and now I'm wondering where to start. 

So that's my work for the weekend - planning my resolutions and including ways to keep them. I'll share as I go, because hopefully that will keep me honest. And I hope it will be of interest and an encouragement out there to know that someone else has a struggle. Please send good vibes for this as I have the attention span of a concussed kitten and I need all the help I can get. 

Writing Stuff - something else to cover at the weekend is a book by Katie Salidas, highly recommended by my publishers, called Write and Edit the Damn Book which I shall read very carefully.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Good luck with the New Year's resolutions! I have on-going resolutions - things like strive for good heath, keep my house maintained, etc. :)

  2. Sending positive vibes your way and I'll be very interested to read about your resolutions. I started thinking about the changes I want to make for myself next year, mostly to do with cleaning and shopping!

  3. I think we all feel the same way at this time of year. I have finished my shopping - if I've forgotten something I'll have to live without it. I do not plan on going near a shop again until Jan. 3rd. Our numbers are spiking and our grey level restriction (highest level on our colour code) are going to continue for another 28 days and we already suspect we'll go into an even harder lockdown as of Monday - big announcements coming so I am done! If I haven't bought it by now then I'm going to have to live without it!

  4. emptied the whole freezer yesterday into a couple of wash baskets yesterday and discovered that i really only need a pack of sausages , some parsnips and a few more sprouts for xmas , so bread a bit of salad and thats my lot this week
