
Wednesday 17 February 2021

That Was Scary

Fifitr - the park is one that is usually reasonably well used, and it's near the Tesco/Aldi/Asda/Iceland group of shops so on the way for lots of people, but there were definitely more than usual. I feel for you - it's so irresponsible. I'm going to have to have a go at the zip. It's a great onesie, and bear has had a lot of wear out of it over the last few months. I shall have to go carefully. Bear was very sweet and said that I was an awesome mum and the ability to replace a zip was unimportant. He is a hero!

I got a delivery today, and of course I forgot the sandwich meat. I had been nervous driving yesterday and considering going back to P plates to warn other drivers that I wasn't confident. Bear was telling me that I had lots of room, but it didn't feel like it when I was trying to squeeze past all sorts of gaps. I felt very uncertain, so I thought I would nip out and pick up the sandwich meat and come home. It was more of a drive to stretch the wheels and build confidence.

I was driving along Bradford Road in Batley. In the middle of the road are lots of bollards. I suppose they are trying to keep cars on the correct side of the road as there are usually lots of vans, cars and lorries parked along as there are lots of small industrial and commercial units. It was dark, but I'm not worried about driving in the dark, and it was raining, which doesn't bother me unless it's really bad, and I was ticking along at just under the speed limit. Coming the other way, swerving through traffic, was a large transit van type thing which swerved into my lane to overtake by a bollard and I managed to stop just in time to avoid getting hit. The thing didn't have any lights on. It was completely dark. Fortunately the car behind me was keeping a sensible distance.  

I did everything right. I was driving sensibly, with appropriate lights, on the correct side of the road. I nearly got walloped by a van with no lights on the wrong side of the road and driving erratically. I feel a little stressed.

I'm now seriously considering going back to P plates to warn other drivers that I'm nervous, and I'll be going out in the car a lot more, to get my confidence back. I'm not planning on doing more shopping.

Christian stuff - I know some friends here aren't Christian so I thought I'd put a warning. I'm not a Catholic, but found myself watching this video, from a Franciscan Friar (I think) about not giving anything up for Lent. When my mother was going through chemo, there wasn't much that she could give up, so she deliberately did something extra for Lent to help others. In the past I've done that as well, knitting blankets or sweaters for the homeless. My life is so chaotic and rudderless at the moment, that I'm almost paralysed. I think I will use Lent to try and focus and sort things out. Perhaps then I will have more room to be a Christian.

Hugs and good health to all.


  1. I'm glad to read that you managed to avoid being hit by that van! Things like that can shake our confidence, but, you'll do fine with your driving.

    As for giving something up vs. doing something for others during Lent, as a non-Christian, I like the idea of doing something for others. I've read some blogs where people donated canned or boxed food items - 40 cans of food to a food bank/food pantry, for example. Maybe that's something you might be able to do?

  2. I know a lot of people now do something for others for Lent instead of giving up something and I think that is a wonderful idea. I do tend to give something up - Presbyterian but we even do Ash Wed. - although not this year. I think the idea is not so much to sacrifice but to make you take note and pay more attention to things instead of just being on "automatic pilot".
