Yesterday bear had a drama performance type thing. He's talking it up to me, but he's quite worried as he wants to do drama at GCSE, and this could affect his chances. He was very nonchalant when he mentioned forgetting a few lines, but I know it's preying on his mind, so we will see how it goes. He took in a spare shirt and jeans with his 'good' trainers and some ties (I've no idea) for costume.
When he got picked up from school yesterday he dumped his backpack into the boot, where it landed with a thud, and failed to bring home his gym kit. I thought that the spare clothes had been stuffed into the backpack, but apparently I was wrong. As we were getting ready this morning, bear asked where the watermelon bag was. I asked him what he meant. He meant the bag with watermelons on that had his clothes in, he had brought it home. I had to work to convince him that there were no watermelon bags anywhere, and that's when he realised that he had left it in History.
Please, please, please let him get it back. The 'good' trainers, which I winced when he got, were around £35, I think, and he had included a shirt that I had just got from eBay for him. It may have only been 'new to him' but it was in immaculate condition and it was Gap - and Gap shirts fit him perfectly. They are so expensive to buy new.

This is the view from near the car park we used in Leeds. On your left, the big red new building is a casino and part of the Victoria Gate complex which includes shops like John Lewis. The building in the distance, at the end of the street, is Leeds Market, which is full of cheap and cheerful (and fishmongers) and if you went a little way down and to your left you would find Harvey Nichols along with shops like Vivienne Westwood and similar. For those familiar with Leeds, I am looking across Eastgate, which is getting significantly dug up. The bus station, which is very lower class, is just past John Lewis and opposite the West Yorkshire Playhouse. I love how things are generally mixed together here.
I drove in to Leeds again, and I'm still surprised at my daring. Bear decided he wanted salmon for tea, and he picked up a carrot and parsnip to go with it. I have no idea what he's doing. I imagine he will pan fry the fish, which looked lovely. DH and I (and probably bear's pal) are having chili.
I'm doing my 'big shop' tonight at Tesco in Batley after dinner. It's open until midnight. I think I will be shopping then or first thing in the morning from now until Christmas, as last Sunday was very full, and the parking today in Leeds was tight. If I use my big shop and do more than £14, we are in profit this month, as long as I don't buy anything that's unnecessary. I need rice milk, Pringles are half price and bear is running short of his favourite flavoured water. I was also thinking of picking up a Christmas pudding and some bits for Christmas while I was there, because I don't like leaving things until the last minute. Also, it's good practise for driving in the dark.
Hugs to all.
Thank you for sharing the picture and explaining what the buildings are - I love looking at other places! I guess I am an armchair traveler! :D Bear's salmon with carrot and parsnip sounds good! You have to tell us how it turned out!