
Sunday 8 August 2021


Today I pottered around and reduced the pile of ironing the size of the Himalayas down to the level of the Alps. I wrote a short flash fiction and cued it up for a week on Monday. I did a lot of pottering. I feel that I could have done more. 

I had a Delifresh order delivered today, and it was a little underwhelming. I had to pitch the broad beans and the peas in the pod (my weakness!) looked a bit on the skinny side. Mind you, I'm just glad to get them after all this weather. 

I think that there may be some parking wars going on on the street. I'm keeping my head down. DH and I park carefully in front of our house, though I think I will practice tucking closer to the curb. There may only be an inch or two gap, but at the moment, every inch counts. All I know is that there has been some parking without perhaps realising the flow of traffic, and then late last night I was half woken by all sorts of shouting and car noises. Cars had been moved when I came down this morning - thankfully not ours.

There isn't really enough room to park. That is the top and bottom of it, especially if the clients of the hairdresser on the corner get carried away. I've had some very severe glares when I've been parking in front of the house, which is usually tight and at least a seven point turn. I've had a few narrow misses when someone, high on hairspray, swings around our corner with a little too much enthusiasm.

On a more cheerful note, I found that the magazine given away free in Tesco has coupons in. I probably knew it already, but had forgotten. However there are at least two or three coupons for things that I buy regularly, and a couple of bits that are worth me picking up this once. If I get the things that I buy anyway, and the hot sauce and the dessert as a treat, then I may save two or three quid, and that has to be worth something.

I have tentatively put together a meal plan for the next couple of weeks that references what is on the coupons and what is in the cupboards. I can almost hear Fate sniggering as it never seems to go well when I try it. I'll share if it ever works out. But I've checked against boiler service, bathroom appointments and bear's climbing lesson, so I'm hoping that it will work out. 

Hugs and good health to all. 

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