
Saturday, 25 May 2019

Bear Broke His First G String

Sharon - that is really helpful. I'll have a good look at that. The lane guidance is sort of there, but it's only a cheap satnav so I have to work with what I have. I think it may need some practice. I won't be driving much next week as bear is on holiday from school, but I have promised him a trip to Staples (huge stationery store!) and that will be some interesting driving as it is near some awkward locations.

Bear has been practising with his violin all day on and off. He is loving it. Bless her, the teacher gave him some basic exercises and the G scale to have a go at, and he is certainly going for it with gusto. It isn't the most beautiful sound at the moment, but he has only had the thing for around 24 hours at the time of typing. He was trying to tune the violin when he snapped the string. I'm planning on ordering a few sets from Amazon, once I've got some info about what to get, as I am completely clueless at the moment.

We have had a very quiet day, with a picnic dinner and I'm looking forward to a relaxing evening. In honour of Sir Terry Pratchett, here is a pic of our lilac, to celebrate Lilac Day.

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