
Sunday 5 May 2019

Feeling the Fail

Tonight's dinner was okay. It was gluten free frozen breaded goujons, frozen peas and frozen, ready made, potato wedges. I forgot to pick up potatoes and I also forgot that the microwave was on the fritz. On the bright side, frozen veg is a lot fresher than the fresh stuff from the supermarkets, and gluten free breaded chicken products are incredibly high quality. However breaded chicken products aren't ideal and I make really awesome home made wedges when I remember to pick up the potatoes. Because of all the different issues with the various ovens, I didn't make the stuffing I was planning to add and I couldn't do the roast chicken I thought would have been nice.

I went on YouTube for ideas for meal planning (I never learn) and I clicked on a video about a haul of groceries that would last for thirty meals. I felt soooo depressed by the end of it. She was casually talking about making Beef Wellington and sticky teryaki and all sorts of stuff, and was talking about making what I consider hard work meals as a casual easy evening. I feel utterly inadequate.

There is no excuse now. I have passed my driving test, I have a gazillion and three cookbooks and access to many, many more recipes on the internet and I'm not a complete idiot (there may be some discussion on this, but I should be able to follow a recipe).

I think I may spend some time tomorrow going through my cupboards and rethinking what I am making, when I am making it and how it fits in with our different preferences. I'm usually good at thinking outside the box, but these days my brain switches off whenever food is mentioned. If I make a list of what I have, then feed it into the Supercook site search thingy, I should be fine. is a site which makes suggestions for recipes based on the ingredients you put in. I intend to make shameless use of it.

And no matter how bad things are, you can usually find a bright side. Bear accidentally dropped one of those tiny cartons of custards as he was taking it downstairs. You would not believe how much coverage two tablespoons of custard can manage. But I finally had an excuse to get rid of the ratty old draught excluder that I had made from pieces of baby blanket and unravelled sweaters as I couldn't wash it and it had quite a custard coating, and I found a £2 coin I had dropped.

Now I am going to cheer myself up looking through YouTube videos about making draught excluders and cleaning custard off flock wallpaper.

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