
Saturday 1 June 2019

Come On You Reds!

I'm posting earlier than usual today as I have a packed programme and I want to make sure I show up.

I have Jack Monroe's 'Tin Can Cook' book, which I am dipping into. It's quite interesting and I like the section on soup. I think it could be a boon as I'm trying to work out food that bear will eat. Bear is getting fussier and fussier. I nearly cried yesterday when bear decided that he didn't like the bread. He couldn't tell me what he didn't like about it, just that he didn't like it. I think he's going to break me. At the moment he will eat home made soup. He won't touch tinned soup, but I can get some more stuff in the freezer.

Today we are spending the afternoon watching 'Good Omens' on Amazon, which is predictably awesome, and then this evening we will be watching Liverpool in the Champions League Final. I am a Liverpool supporter, and I am keeping everything crossed. I will not be going to bed sober. Both are a great opportunity to get on with my knitting.

Also, Come on You Reds!


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