
Saturday 22 June 2019

Jonathan Creek Continues

We are now on season 2 of Jonathan Creek, and bear is still enjoying it. I have made quite a lot of progress on the scarf I am knitting for one of DH's friend while watching, so I am happy. I also got quite a lot of knitting done while bear and DH continued an epic game of Monopoly which bear won by a sudden margin.

It's been a quiet day apart from that. DH took bear for his violin lesson this morning, which also included a quick diversion into an art shop where bear left with some water colour pencil and some thingies that act like brushes and add water to the pencils. While he was out I had a rummage down the side of bear's desk, which meant that I found his keys which have been missing since before Easter. Then his pal came around and I let them get on with it, providing snacks at intervals.

I got bear's permission to share his last pic, and he strongly suggested that I share his latest masterpiece. He suggested it repeatedly. So here it is.

 Hugs to all.


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