Sharon - the Aldi pins are rubbish! I'm trying to stay away from Amazon, but it's hard when you want something that you would normally pick up out and about. Then once you get on to Amazon, it's hard to get away!
Wherethejourneytakesme - At some point I'm going to measure the width of the 5 litre packs of white vinegar we get. I can cut the cartons down and rinse them well. If they are only slightly over, I can perhaps stick them in place with blu tack.
Fifitr - I'm feeling better. I still ache, but it's settled into my sciatic nerve, so I guess I just had sciatica. It's still not brilliant, but it could be worse. At least if it's just a mild do then I can get bear to and from school. I think courgettes may be a good idea. I've roasted them a few times for bear and he enjoyed them, and kale would always be worth it.
As for the onesie, after reading your comment, I decided to bite the bullet and have a go. I decided against replacing the zip as there are a lot of layers that would need to be unpicked. I had looked on YouTube for 'how to mend zips' and I couldn't find one that would help. The base of the zip, sewn firmly into the onesie, was broken and the zip thingy wouldn't catch at the bottom. I've taken some photos, but they've not come out brilliantly.

There were so many layers, and the material was so thick, that I couldn't even think of replacing the dratted thing. I pinned velcro (or hook and loop tape, I think I bought generic) to the darned thing.
The pins were far too thin. I'll throw them out at the end of this. In fact, they didn't do a good job as they were so fragile compared to the extremely tough tape and the layers of deep plush. At one point I was using a bulldog clip.
And it didn't help that the seam for the top half of the zip was crooked. I said some extreme words as I tried to line that up.
The onesie is printed with skulls and is extremely soft and cuddly, so bear is quite fond of it. I haven't finished stitching it yet. It was a battle as I was handstitching and the dratted stuff was so resistent. And, as a bonus, I can't see where I've stitched. It's black thread on black tape on one side and on the other side the plush is too thick to see the thread as it sinks in! I'll hopefully post some more pics tomorrow.
So I while I'm frustrated with the sewing, I got some knitting done as well. I think I just want some projects finished and off my hands. I tried out the microwave omelette maker I got from Aldi ages ago and threw the maker and the inedible omelette straight in the bin. This was a win overall. It's a nuisance that it didn't work, but I didn't dither and just got rid. I failed on an epic level to get bear to check his backpack for Wednesday, but I can try again tomorrow. There were no amazing achievements, but it hasn't been a bad day.
Hugs and good health to all.