
Monday, 22 March 2021

Only Slight Change of Plan

 Bear was poorly with a convulsively upset stomach. This meant no school. I had a list of places I was planning to go and things to do based around the school run. I left at the same time anyway. I did all the stops I needed to do, called in at a few places, didn't impulse buy too much and was home to fuss bear with some stomach tablets recommended by the pharmacist. Then I loaded up the car with rubbish and recycling and was off to the tip, which was fairly straightforward. I didn't stop off anywhere else.

As I left at the normal time, it wasn't too crowded. I'm not planning on going back in for some time. I may get a Co-op delivery, though, as bear is really not well and he may want something particular to settle his tummy down. 

I also sorted through one of the many bags of paperwork I dug out. I now have somewhere to put stuff, so I'm trying to get it cleared. 

I will take today as pretty much a good win. I didn't get writing done, but I guess that's for tomorrow. 

Hugs and good health to all.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear Bear is poorly. It's difficult with children to enforce the 24 hours starvation but it really is worth it. Chamomile tea is your friend when something like this happens, it soothes everything. Lots of fluids, marmite in hot water is good to re-introduce salts that may have gone missing. Make sure there are no dairy products on day 2, so dry toast, dry cream crackers and no milk in tea if bowels are still loose. Thin soup is good, miso especially. Hope he feels better soon. (Apologies if this is teaching grandmother to suck eggs.)
