
Sunday 16 October 2022

Day of Rest

Bless - Thank you. I think I am going to have to speak to a doctor if it doesn't clear up soon. 

Sharon - I don't think it's Covid and they aren't currently testing for it unless in particular circumstances, but I'm taking precautions now. Even if it's just a cold, I have to be considerate. No-one would want this lurgy!

Eileen - Thank you.

Cherie - Thank you! A whole leg from a roast ox should keep you going for a bit!

I feel like rubbish. I'm not sure that I'm poorly anymore. I think that I'm just tired and feeling the end of the virus. DH had it earlier and it really wiped him out, so I suppose I can expect to drag on for a while yet. Bear has a cough but doesn't seem ill in himself. In fact, he seems fine. 

I am going to get an early night, and after drop off tomorrow come straight home to avoid spreading any of this (though I think it's pretty much over apart from the after effects), and then spend some time working out a self-care strategy. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. I'm sorry you continue to feel the effects of whatever it is that you've got! Sounds like a really bad virus, even if it isn't Covid. Hope you start to feel better, soon!

  2. I second Bless' suggestion and maybe consider seeing your GP if you don't start to improve soon. Take good care of yourself and wishing you well xx

  3. Oh no. That sounds horrible. Before Covid I had a bout of flu that was particularly nasty. It lasted for weeks and ended up with a secondary infection that I did have to go to the doctor for. Even weeks later I was really tired and out of breath walking just a little bit.

    Take Care
