
Monday 31 October 2022

Poor Bear

Eileen - I think just being a teenager is agony and he went back to school to face the exam room today.

Bless - Thank you. I may have to try and get an appointment. 

Today bear went back to school after the holiday and had his first two exams - History and English Language. I think he is feeling the pressure. He's chatted to me more over the last four days than he did over the entire summer holiday. Last night was spent meticulously sorting out the particular pencil cases he needed and arranging his bag. He even got me to wash his tie, which was sprung on me at the last minute and was nervewracking. The school are sooo strict on correct uniform and if I got it wrong, it could spell disaster. He may even get kicked out of his mock exams. He has got some older ties, but they were rags when they were retired and I've no idea where they are anyway. As it was, the handwash programme on the washing machine then drying it flat next to the dehumidifier worked, but it still shows signs of wear.

Bear was in a pretty good mood when I picked him up. He seemed to think that he had managed okay, so we will see what the results are. Tomorrow is Maths and Business Studies. He has a really packed week and then it dies off. He's looking forward to the Maths exam as he he enjoys them. I cannot in any way, shape or form identify with that!

Bear is out at a violin lesson. It isn't going well and the teacher (who is utterly awesome) wants to speak with me. Lack of practice may come up as a subject matter. 

I didn't take any pics today, so here is a Halloween one from Unsplash, taken by Vino Li

Writing stuff - I managed to get a piece posted on my blog. It's an old favourite and I've always been proud of it. You can find it here.

Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain!

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Wishing Bear lots of luck with his mocks. x

  2. Poor Bear. Doesn't sound quite right that they have to jump in with both feet first day back after half term. I don't think I would have been able to do it. I hope the other exams go well.

    I except he's been studying so hard the violin has taken...well, second fiddle.

  3. Best wished to bear as he sits for his exams! Hope you are feeling better. Happy Halloween to you and yours!
