
Saturday 26 December 2015

Christmas Yet to Come

Of course I was daft enough to think about next Christmas on Christmas Day 2015.

Next year is going to be different.  Apart from anything else, next year I am definitely, absolutely, no question going to keep a list of what I have stashed.  I am going to write a list of what we are having for Christmas Dinner and tick off what I have got.  I am going to write down a list of what we are going to have for New Year, for bear's birthday, for all the snacks and invasions of small boys.

I am going to set a budget and I may end up being close to it - I have to be realistic.  I am going to make the most of offers.  I am going to be realistic about what I can achieve and anything extra will be a bonus.

I am going to stash a few bits in the sales for the unexpected presents that crop up.  I am going to establish, once again, a shelf for these presents so I can always put my hand on a house warming gift or an unexpected birthday.  I used to be so organised.  At least, I used to be more organised than I have been for a while. My New Year's Resolutions are starting NOW!

1 comment:

  1. Good goals and resolutions! I stash gifts in a couple of different places - the linen closet and a large wicker box (in which I store gift wrap, etc., as well).
