
Monday, 11 April 2016

Bear is Awesome

Bear's hand is healing very well.  He got the bulky dressing taken off today and a smaller one put on.  He is now playing the Xbox.

We called into the bookshop on the way home.  They didn't have the Calvin and Hobbes books but bear came home with a book of Greek myths.  He has got into the Percy Jackson books which draw heavily on the Greek myths.  I'm going to have to do some serious revision.  I never knew that much about the Greek myths anyway.  I need to at least try to keep up.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear Bear's hand is healing nicely and he's doing so well. He IS awesome! Too bad the bookshop didn't have the Calvin and Hobbes books; maybe you can order them for him? Have fun reading up on the Greek myths.
