
Thursday 18 June 2020

Not Even Lunch Time

Sharon - I am trying to go either really early or really late. Some  stores are more diligent than others. 

On Thursdays I've started to go out for a drive. I try and avoid shops but I go to different places. I'm becoming more and more nervous on unfamiliar roads so I'm trying to make a weekly effort to find new places. I had a few 'oh bugger' moments and picked up the loaf of bread and scouring pads I forgot yesterday. 

When I came home, bear had a swollen eye. This is in addtion to the deafness. It's red and looks incredibly uncomfortable. I'm going to have to get him to the GP, I can tell. 

Bear is resistant to this. I don't blame him. However I am incredibly squeamish about eyes, and there is no way I could do drops or anything. Thank goodness for DH.

And as bear needs fuss over his eye, I can see the plans I had for this afternoon evaporating into mist. I know it's not me suffering, any more than I am suffering from the whole ear stuff, and the joint pain, and the stress from the schoolwork. However sometimes I feel guiltily irritated. My time is getting sucked up. This afternoon is likely to involve issues around eyes and so the housewifery and writing that I really need to do aren't going to happen. I feel dreadful that I'm even thinking about the impact on me. I also feel ready to cry. 

Bear has washed the eye, but says it's still very itchy. I'm waiting until DH can see it at lunchtime, then I may insist on some sort of medical check. Hopefully I'll have pulled myself together and be able to get things sorted out. Poor bear is really going through it. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Hugs Lyssa - I hope Bear feels better very soon and that you do too.

  2. Hmmmm ... very itchy eye and really red and nasty looking - sounds like it could be case of PINK EYE. Especially if he has been already ill lately, then his immune system down and Pink Eye common, even with folks who suffer allergies get bad bouts of Pink Eye.

  3. Oh no! Poor Bear. It just seems to be one thing after the other.

    I hear you about the driving. I was doing really well before but since lockdown eased I haven't become any more adventurous. I feel as though I'm really set in my routines, so much so that it makes me feel really bad if I don't do a set thing each day. I know it's only a matter of breaking it, but getting started is the problem!

  4. Conjunctivitis was going around down here a while back so a quick check up might be needed for bear and the doc will probably give you some antibiotic drops or cream to smear on. Sending hugs x

  5. Oh, I do hope you were able to get bear's eye checked. Hopefully, it is nothing too serious and it will get better, soon. It's hard when these things happen and your own plans take a back seat. But, what can one do? Hope tomorrow will be a better day.
