Thursday, 31 March 2022
I Do Not Approve of the Weather!
Wednesday, 30 March 2022
Eileen - the trellis panels were quite expensive - I got them from Premier Garden Supplies, on eBay. I asked them about postage and they charged the full price for the first panel but a reduced price for the other two. I always knew that the p&p would be dear, and I didn't think that it would be much less if it came from somewhere closer. As it was, the panels were delivered in their own truck, driving from Telford to Leeds, and the driver was an absolute sweetie. He was so helpful about where I was putting them. I took a pic this morning.
They seem pretty sturdy. I will definitely go back if I need anything else similar. As for the pyjamas, if I get around to doing them, I think I would like to start with wincyette, for winter, and something in a light cotton for summer. I prefer wearing t-shirt type material but I know enough to be cautious about sewing it.
Christine - thank you! They are pretty chunky.
Sharon - Thank you. I can't imagine that you can get much done in the garden with the ice and snow you are having!
I had a rough night last night - not much sleep and when I did, there were nightmares. I've been zonked today until I finally managed to nap before picking bear up. But the rosemary is flowering and I have some hope that I will pick up tomorrow.
Hugs and good health to all.
Tuesday, 29 March 2022
Actual Size May Be Larger Than You Think
Eileen - that's a good idea. I feel like making some loose pyjamas or pyjama bottoms and they should be easy. I shall have to make time or this time next year I 'll be back on complaining that I'm still scared of the sewing machine!
I ordered some fence panels. I may have miscalculated. I thought they would be great for the honeysuckle to climb and provide shelter for the sparrow squadron. I got three 6ft x 5ft panels which are chunky. I cannot put off dealing with the garden any longer. I've put it off for today, but tomorrow I shall have to get out there in the health sleet. They look a little like this.
It's been a funny sort of day. I've been too tired to think, but I've still been too awake to nap. Hopefully some serious garden work will sort me out. I need to work out where to start, drag stuff around and generally figure things out.
None of the panels are secured. I hope that they don't get nicked!
Hugs and good health to all.
Monday, 28 March 2022
Monday Grumbles
Sunday, 27 March 2022
Feeling Fungal
Saturday, 26 March 2022
Sharon - thank you. I don't really worry about what I look like as I'm either at home, in the car or walloping at speed around a supermarket. I think I need to raise my game.
Eileen - one day I will learn to dressmake. Before then, I need to get over my fear of the sewing machine! It's still cheaper to buy (the cheap stuff) than make, but I'm not sure how much longer that will last.
Today we went to the theatre. We went to see Clue at the Grand Theatre in Leeds, for the Saturday matinee. It was awesome. It was wonderfully funny with people belting in and out of doors and just missing each other and being murdered in strange circumstances. The timing was immaculate. We all loved it. I didn't get many pics, because it feels bad manners to take pics in a theatre, but I got a poor one of the stage before it started.
Bear has to comment on a play he has seen that isn't a musical or Shakespeare for his drama GCSE, which is why I was scrabbling around for something suitable at the last minute and found this. I'm glad that I did.
And now we are all tired. I am so unused to going out to anything that it took me by surprise and I'm ready to fall asleep. We are looking at doing something similar again as a family, because we had such fun. I'm going to go out of my way and see if any amateur productions are coming back as they can be the absolute best.
I also picked up a small book on British birds on the way from the car, and I hope to get use out of it with all the traffic at the bird feeder.
Hugs and good health to all.
Friday, 25 March 2022
Other People's Blogs
Thursday, 24 March 2022
Was that it?
Wednesday, 23 March 2022
The Front Door
Tuesday, 22 March 2022
Sort of Busy, Sort of Not
Monday, 21 March 2022
Funny Sort of Day
Saturday, 19 March 2022
Scottish Play
Sharon - I love watching squirrels in general, but not around nests. Mind you, magpies are not exactly saints. As for the cars and vans, it's normally the drivers I worry about, not the rust bucket.
Eileen - What would Christmas be without a small amount of present-related havoc.
Today was good. We pottered around in the morning and then bear and DH exchanged ideas on card tricks while I kept my head down and knitted, then we read through some Macbeth together. There is a few issues with the English lessons at the moment, so while DH and I have no idea how things go in exams these days, we can at least read the books and plays with him and talk about them.
We took it in turns reading the different parts and it was a lot of fun. We only got through the first few scenes. DH and I are used to picking out tiny, tiny details in the text, which bear probably won't need for GCSE. He may have found it a little more intense than the average English class. I told bear that he should follow his teacher's lead for the exams, but discussing the shades of meaning will help him remember what is going on. I hope that i'm right.
I took a very poor pic of the honeysuckle that is going absolutely wild. I was planning to dig it right out. I don't think I could bear to lose something so vibrant.Hugs and good health to all.
Friday, 18 March 2022
Squirrel Again
Thursday, 17 March 2022
Error of Judgement
Hugs and good health to all.
Wednesday, 16 March 2022
A Lull
Wherethejourneytakesme - we had tickets for the Mikado just before everything shut down. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I thought it would be fun for bear. He was just coming up to 13 and a very different child than he is now. I was mainly looking for amateur productions rather than the expensive Grand Theatre (I flinched when I pressed 'pay'). So much has changed.
Sharon - As I said, it was almost unheard of for us as kids. I hope you have happy memories. It's what I want to make for bear. It's not just part of bear's course, though. I want him to feel okay to go to places like the theatre or a concert, so that he's fine with things like that when he's older. Someone else is going to have to take him to a gig, though, as I'm too much of a fuddy duddy.
Yesterday I got quite a few bits done. I sorted out various bits in the kitchen, did a little washing and generally got a little further. Today was not nearly so productive. I feel too tired to do anything that needs thinking but too wide awake to nap. I kept trying to get on with things, but failing. I think I should have just given up, listened to a book and done some knitting. But while I was staring out the window, I saw a squirrel. I didn't get a pic, of course, but I wonder if we'll have one moving in. There is a lot of rat poison around from Matalan, so I'm not sure if it will be okay, but it would be sort of nice. I shall have to keep the bird feeders well topped up. It made me smile, so I took a pic of where it had been.
Writing stuff - My mind was off on its own today without adequate supervision, and I remembered an old poem, which I've reposted here.
Hugs and good health to all.
Tuesday, 15 March 2022
A Pleasant Surprise with an Impulse Buy
Monday, 14 March 2022
Sharon - thank you. Bear is much better.
Bless - I knew that we would find it straight after the change. It always happens that way.
Eileen - Thank you. The pendant is handmade glass. I think that she melts different coloured glass together but how she gets the shape is beyond me. I shall be gloating about these pendants for weeks.
Two fails in today's post. The first is this weekend. I deliberately stayed away from blogs to get writing. I swear that I must have a condition or something because all I did was make myself miserable and write about 500 words. I still haven't caught up with what I want to read on the blogs. The other fail is this.
For once it isn't a photo taken on a throw over the armchair. I think I may need to repot that spiderplant. It went something like this. Raven Forge make awesome stuff and I have a weakness for it. They had a sale. With every two bottles of mead sold, you got a free drinking horn. We ordered four bottles of mead to get a drinking horn for DH and I. This will last us at least two months. However drinking horns do not naturally stand by themselves and Raven Forge had sold out of the epic iron stands. I ended up getting two horn stands from ebay.
We spent a fortune on mead that will last us for months, then over £20 on stands, for something that is just decorative and was 'free'. That is a fail - when 'free' stuff costs over £50! And we won't even be drinking out of them as I'm worried about getting them clean afterwards!
On the bright side, I love them. And I found the bit of writing that I lost - more details in the 'writing stuff' section below.
Writing stuff - today's flash fiction is here and was far too much fun.
And I got accepted for an anthology which will be out on April 1st - quite fitting as it's all about trickster gods
With everything else going on, I'd forgotten all about it, but I got the amazing news last week. I'll be able to share the links later. And this is one of the things that made me rummage in my 'forgotten writing' folders. It was a very short story that leads up to the longer piece that is in the anthology. I'll be sharing that on the release day on my writing blog. I actually found it in some stuff that I had sent the awesome people at Stormdance Publications. Today's flash fiction wasn't linked, but I suspect that there will be a few posts on disgruntled deities showing up on Always Another Chapter in the next month or so.
Hugs and good health to all.
Friday, 11 March 2022
Of Course
Briony - bear is my darling son. He's fifteen, and lovely and calm with it. So far he seems to be the sensible one out of me, him and my husband. He is the light of my life and a sweetie. He is also very much his own person and I generally let him work his own stuff out. So far, it's worked well for him.
Bless - I passed on your good wishes and he said thank you.
Eileen - he took a test at school, so it's 'just' a cold, but it's a stinker. I've passed on your good wishes and he said thank you.
I found the car keys. They had got into a tissue box and I found them this evening. This is less good news as we paid £169 for them to be replaced this morning...
I'm not going to be posting this weekend as I have realised the date and I have a massive deadline that I need to get moving with. I have to share, though, that I got to know Amalie Stoneman through my writing, she was complimentary, she mentioned her store and I saw this...
Isn't it just like Under the Bright Saharan Sky? I'm not sure what I'm going to use as a chain, probably ribbon. I got another one as well. She's based in the US, but she was happy to send it to me, and I am in shiny heaven.
Hugs and good health to all.
Thursday, 10 March 2022
Bear has a Cold
Bless - thank you. I'm still feeling sorry for myself, but it's mainly self pity now. I'm considering praying to anything for those dratted keys!
Wherethejourneytakesme - I may give it another go, but change around some ideas. I feel a little defeated about it currently, but I'm sure that I'll bounce back.
Sharon - daydreaming is seriously good for your mental health, especially daydreaming about good stuff.
Eileen - When I worked, I was really sensible. Things were saved under case number, file number, client name or even post code. This was a short story written around three or four years ago, kand I think it's gone for good. It's sort of annoying, as I suspect that it was a fun story, but, strangely, I don't get too attached to my writing. This was something out of my usual path of writing, so I may have just forgotten all about it.
Bear has a cold. It's one of the snuffling, coughing, sniffing type. I'm pretty sure it isn't covid, as it looks exactly like a cold. I suppose I could ask about a test, but I'm not sure that he would be able to stop coughing and sniffing long enough to take it.
It's strange, because until I started to post, it never occured to me that it could be anything but a bad cold. I'll have a word with him tomorrow. Bless him, he is determined to keep his 100% attendance record, though, so he would be devastated if he had to take time off. Especially as it has all the signs of a classic cold.
And that's a thing. Once upon a time I would have kept an eye on him and judged whether he should be dragged into school to fester or left in his bed. Now there is the plague to worry about. If I send him in, am I risking serious implications to his classmates, teachers and their families, or is it just a cold?
To be honest, I can't see it as anything but a cold. And the discussion we had - bear, DH and I - about the implications of the different rules of succession in 11th century Normandy and England seemed to cheer bear up. I will see how he is tomorrow.
Hugs and good health to all.
Wednesday, 9 March 2022
Losing Things
Tuesday, 8 March 2022
Tuesday Has Happened
Eileen - thank you for the heads up. I'm glad you liked the story.
Briony - all my favourite things are done sitting down as well. I daren't go into yarn shops. Unfortunately I'm on the email list for Marriners Yarns (I'm not linking for your safety - cheap yarns), and I call in at Aldi which has yarn with distressing regularity. My next challenge is using the dratted stuff up! I hope tha the arthritis settles down soon.
Sharon - I couldn't resist the yarn, but then, I didn't try that hard lol
Wherethejourneytakesme - bear explained it as having issues with his calculator. I suspect overconfidence. At least he nailed the computer test. Bear is expected to get A or above in everything except English, I think, and possibly Drama. As the school has a teacher whose job is solely to get the marks as high as possible, I'm not putting extra pressure on at home.
Aches continue a little. Also, I suspect that something is happening next door as I feel that everytime I go into my bedroom I feel choked with dust or fumes. I've been struggling with breathing all day.
I had some quiet moments knitting while waiting for bear. And that's when I took the pic that made me smile. The sky was so blue and the air so fresh that it made me smile.
It reminded me of the phrase 'halcyon days' which I vaguely remembered as something to do with the idea of kingfishers having a short spell of calm weather in winter to build there nests. I had a quick look on Wikipedia (which is a reasonable start for this sort of thing) and found it is apparently a lot more complicated and there's mythology involved - the article is here, if you are interested.
I am so aware of how lucky I am, and praying for those in Ukraine.
Hugs and good health to all.
Monday, 7 March 2022
Just Monday
Cherie - All I can say is that if you dislocate both shoulders at the same time you find out exactly how hard it is to use the bathroom when you don't have functional arms and they hurt.
Briony - I quite enjoy some of my dreams. The one that my husband remembers most is the one about the shark infested sweetcorn. I'm glad that someone else understands.
Eileen - I went a lot further with the threats. I was talking about hammers. The test was, as far as I can tell, a sort of mock GCSE. They call them 'milestones' and are used to predict grades. 'Stepping stones' are tests that are sort of end of topic tests. But though bear may have only got a B in Maths, he totally rocked his computer science, so that is something.
I have absolutely no right to complain with everything going on in the world, but I feel very run down. The fall on the stairs has caught up with me, together with a really bad night last night. My joints are complaining. They would complain a lot less if I lost some weight and took exercise, but I feel too weary for that.
I called in at B&M this morning as I wanted some slate place mats. We have some large, multiwick candles and I worry about them being hot on the surfaces, so I thought slate would be a suitable insulator. I'll share how it goes. Of course I picked up some other bits, but the garden centre was closed. I want to look at some trellis type stuff. I then called into Aldi where I saw some yarn. I should have just backed away, but I remembered that it was Lent, and I usually make something for Lent to donate. The last few years have been a fail, but I need to be more focused. I picked up three balls of yarn and cast on for a blanket. I suspect, sadly, that there will be many places grateful for a donated blanket. I'm a bit worried about the cast on being a little tight, even though I used a needle several sizes bigger than the main needle. If it pulls the knitting in too much, I'll undo the knitting and start again.
The yarn looks like fun. I started it as I waited for bear when he went climbing.
Writing stuff - Today's flash fiction is here and I used a pic that I took myself. It isn't brilliant, but it's okay, and it's exactly what I wanted.
Hugs and good health to all.
Sunday, 6 March 2022
My Fault
Apparently my laptop doesn't like me running two browsers at the same time. I have done some serious backing up and actually learned to use the cloud.
It's been normal here. I slipped on the stairs and fell backwards. I haven't dislocated anything this time (four shoulders so far) but I'm feeling the ache of it. Bear didn't do too well in the maths test. That was hard. And I had a cracking dream last night involving crocodiles living in chilly Cheshire. So all more or less normal.
I've got a load of washing done today. This means that the ironing mountain has grown, but I'll worry about that some other time.
Hugs and good health to all.
Friday, 4 March 2022
Thursday, 3 March 2022
A Little Further On
Eileen - Aunt Edy dated it 1893 but I think it was a little older. There is a cool guide here how to tell the age of a map. Not all of it to be taken seriously, but helpful. I know that there was a part of what is now Bulgaria (I think) that changed 10 times during the period 1870-1945 covered by my A level course.
Sharon - I am a little worried as bear is confident, but we will see. It's wonderful having really old books. There is something comforting about them.
Bless - thank you!
My laptop continues to be erratic, so there may be a few gaps.
I managed to make myself go for a walk today. This was amazing for me, as I've struggled a bit over the last few weeks. I got a load of pics for this months photo challenge and some doggy cuddles.
I took this pic as it looked so colourful. I think the flowers are a little later in the park, but still beautiful.
Bear didn't need picking up until six due to some rehearsals, so I set off quite a bit later. I got there by the skin of my teeth as I forgot about rush hour traffic. I am definitely keeping the P plates as I stalled both on the way there (I was thinking of something else and tried to set off in third) and on the way back (correct gear, but going uphill on a small roundabout with iffy visibility where I need to be able to dart out). The last one is definitely me not getting the biting point right.
I've had a go at one of my favourite games - Farmington. It's old, unexacting and perfect for when I'm trying to work out a plot. I realised today that there are lots of instances of the Ukraine flag, and it felt heartbreaking. I am praying for the people there, and will be donating to Shelterbox and the Red Cross.
Hugs and good health to all.
Wednesday, 2 March 2022
Cold and Wet
Sharon - thank you. The rats are an issue, but something has survived!
Bless - It feels wrong to get rid of something living so much. But I suspect it will overtake the garden. Also, I don't want rats.
Eileen - yes, it seems to be quite vigorous. I just haven't seen the neighbour to get an opinion. They could consider it a cheap hedge. I noticed a smear or two today on the windows, but, to be honest, it seems to have worked better than vinegar and water or glass cleaner, so I think that I'll keep using it.
Today has been horrible and wet. It's been that fine rain that doesn't seem aggressive but gets everywhere. There has been some nasty spots on the road and I'll be glad when it stops. There are a couple of places on the way to school where the water gathers in deep puddles and they are less fun than you would think.
I smiled today when I took a picture of an old atlas. It originally belonged to my grandfather's aunt, and I have spent hours enjoying it. I posted it on my writing blog for today's writing type chat.
I could get lost in it for hours, but I resisted and only got caught up for a short while.
Bear's tests continue. Tomorrow he will be later than normal at the pickup. He has no idea how much later. I could be picking him up at 3.35pm or around 6.30. I'm insisting that he narrows it down. As it is, I'll make sure that I take knitting.
Hugs and good health to all.
Tuesday, 1 March 2022
Today I used hand sanitiser and a microfibre cloth to clean my windows. The windows were filthy, but it really worked well. It is now my go-to glass cleaner. And that made me happy.