
Sunday 4 July 2021

Challenged by Garden

 Yesterday felt very odd - England won! I really didn't expect that. I wonder how things will go on Wednesday? Denmark are an awesome side with a lot to play for. 

Before all that, I took the car in for a service and MOT. Red passed the MOT with two advisories. One of the tyres was wearing a little thin, but still just about legal. I got that replaced. Then apparently the discs on the brakes are getting worn, although the pads look nearly brand new. I may go and look up how car brakes work. I know I'm fairly easy on the brakes. I'll get those replaced in six months when I go for the next service. I can't afford to miss a service. I do so much 'stop and start' driving on the school run and practically no speedy driving so the poor car ends up all bunged up. 

Today has been relatively quiet. I had a quick look at the tomatoes when I went to the bin, and they are overrun with aphids as well, and they are not so easy to forcibly pressure-squirt. I think a spray with soapy water is going to have to happen most days from now on. I may also try dabbing some cinnamon around. It seemed to work on the ants last year, and apparently ants farm the aphids by sheltering the aphids' eggs in the ants nest and carrying the dratted aphids around. The tomatoes are looking very sorry for themselves. 

One of the red hot pokers has put up a small spike, but the other is too gnawed. I hope that they take off next year. 

I don't think that I'm a natural gardener. 

Hugs and good health to all. 

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