
Friday 16 July 2021

Wonderfully Quiet

Shaz and Steve - thank you, it's good to know that the plant is a mahonia. I quite like the look of it, but I think it's too big for our garden.

I finally had a haircut. I think I last had one in 2019. Bear didn't notice. I warned DH and he was very complimentary. I feel like I have lost around six inches of hair at just the right time for this weather!

It's been a funny sort of day. I don't feel as if I have achieved anything. On the bright side, I don't think I've done much wrong, and I haven't been shopping. 

Also, I have managed to establish not only where bear's climbing clothes were, but also the key card he needs and got them all ready the night before! This is unheard of.

And, even better, there have been no bat sightings. This is a good thing. There was a sighting of a rat after the bird seed and bear noticed some of the flying ants (except they were walking, and I don't blame them in this heat). But no bats is a good thing, at least, no bats in the living room. 

Hugs and good health to all. 

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