
Monday 1 November 2021


I don't know where the year went. I swear I just blinked in January and that was it - gone!

The man came about the door this morning. I think he was a bit off balance as he got lost looking for us. To be fair, UPS once got lost looking for us, so I don't blame him, but I think he wasn't expecting it. There is still an issue with the handle, though, so he'll have to come back again. At least this time he knows where to look. 

It's been a funny sort of day. Bear was remarkably chill on the way to school, which I greatly appreciated. I love it when he's calm. I've pottered around a little, done some washing, sorted out a bit of rubbish, before settling down and attacking my emails - again. My main, housewifery emails had not long been sorted out, but I found a link to bear's school photos which I should have dealt with in September. I've ordered them now. Some for us, some for friends and family, and a few to keep for the future. It's not a bad pic, for a change. Normally he looks like he's just sat on something unexpected. 

I also spent some time on my writing email account, which was deeply depressing. I'll just have to keep chipping away at it. After all these years, though, it's finally been found by spam. I do not appreciate this, especially as half of it appears to be in German. I don't understand any German. I can make a few guesses, though, and I'm not old enough for that sort of thing.

I'm still getting used to the clocks going back, and it's looking very dark now. I think I'll settle down and crack on with some knitting.  It's that time of year.

Writing stuff - back to the old schedule with flash fiction on Mondays, and today's little piece is here. I've been kicking around some ideas for the writing blog. I want to get back to reviewing books. Hopefully I would then read a lot more widely than I do now, and a writer has to read. I was also wondering about some chatty bits, or some little fun snippets. I also need to get myself ahead of the game as I want to have a lot of stuff stacked up for when the usual slump hits mid January. 

If you feel able, please leave any comments or ideas about what you would find fun on a writer's blog. I can't guarantee that I'll take everything on, but I'll gratefully read and consider everything polite. You can post on here or the writer's blog. 

Hugs and good health to all.

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