
Monday 8 July 2019

It's going to be a long summer

Yesterday was so wonderfully dull and routine that there was nothing worth writing about. There wasn't much worth writing about today until I picked up my parcel for bear. Bear has asked very, very, very nicely and got a pack of 160 pencils for what is apparently a reasonable price of £30. He wore me down and I was working on some writing stuff, what can I say. That is a large chunk of the treat money gone, but bear is happy with that. So bear now has 160 new pencils. He is sorting them by colour. He is colour blind. I am being asked my opinion a lot.

So the barrel of the pencil may be coloured khaki and the label may say khaki, but the actual bit that colours is brown. Bear is confused and so am I. Bear also sees purple as blue, brown as green and gets bewildered by the pinks. To be honest, by the end of the pinks, I was pretty bewildered as well. He's been at it for over an hour and a half, and he is nowhere near finished. I am considering strong drink.

Then you get the stupid names. When bear asks me what colour lividity is, I have no idea. I like to think I have a reasonable vocabulary, and while I am nothing like an artist, I'm not entirely ignorant about colour, but I was stuck between red with outrage (he was livid at the insult) or livid like a corpse, which covers a wide range. It turns out that the pencil labelled 'Dark Lividity' is really 'Practically Black'. 

Writing stuff - if you are interested, here is a writing prompt, 500 words about the quote or the pic, or both, or just vaguely connected to them, and I don't check length, and sort of by next week but you don't have to link them in or anything, just enjoy. 

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